Marinelli Road Separated Bike Lane – Phase 1

The project is in Rockville, Maryland on Marinelli Road between MD 355 and Citadel Road. The project is for the addition of separated bike lanes to the bicycle network in the White Flint area.

Work will also include maintenance of traffic, clearing and grubbing, construction of bike lanes, curb & gutter, drainage, milling and paving along with traffic signal modification at the Rockville Pike intersection.

The Contractor, D&F Construction Company, proposes to commence work Spring 2025.
The project is slated for completion in the Summer of 2025, weather permitting.

Project Documents

Contact Us

Montgomery County Department of Transportation
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878

Shirley Reeves-Collette, Area Engineer
Phone: 240-271-1294

Daniel Ghebrat, Construction Representative
Phone: 301-676-4123

Area Map