Bradley Boulevard (MD 191) Improvements
This project provides for the master planned dual bikeway along Bradley Boulevard (MD191) which includes two 11’ traffic lanes, two on-road bike lanes, an off-road side path on the east side of the road, and a 5’ sidewalk on the west side of the road. The project limits are from approximately McLean Drive to Glenbrook Road. The project will coordinate with a separate MCDOT intersection improvement project to connect the existing sidewalk on Wilson Lane to the existing sidewalk east of Glenbrook Road to improve pedestrian safety and provide access to transit stops and the Bethesda CBD. The project includes two additional un-signalized crosswalks across Bradley Boulevard at Durbin Road and Pembroke Road, drainage improvements, and pedestrian lighting. This project also includes stormwater management, minor land acquisitions and utility relocations that support the improvements.
September 2024 Updates
Due to the decision to defund the project per the approved CIP budget for FY 25-30, this project is currently on hold until funding is available beyond six years.
For more information regarding the budget, please visit:
This tab will feature graphics, documents, and other resources related to the project. Check back for additional information.
The project was initiated by a request of the South Bradley Hills in 2003 with a petition for a sidewalk on the north side. The Department received requests by the bike advocacy groups for bike facilities.
County Master Plan
The 1990 Approved and Adopted Bethesda-Chevy Chase MP recommends a shared use path along Bradley Blvd
The 2005 Countywide Bikeways Functional Master Plan recommends pedestrian connections and a dual bikeway along Boulevard from Wisconsin Avenue to Persimmon Tree Road (7 miles). Much of the roadway between Goldsboro to Persimmon Tree Road has some type of on-road bicycle facilities be it a shoulder or wide outside lanes.
Dual Bikeway features both Class I off road Shared Use Path and on road facility.
Budget Links
Project Documents
Public Meetings
Bradley Boulevard Improvements and Bradley Blvd and Wilson Lane Intersection Improvements
June 22, 2021
Angel Cheng, PE, PMP
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: 240-777-7274