Dennis Avenue Bridge (M-0194)


This project provides for the replacement of the existing Dennis Avenue Bridge M-0194 over Wheaton Branch, a tributary to Sligo Creek. The existing bridge, built in 1961, is a single 30-foot span structure composed of pre-stressed concrete voided slabs, carrying a 36-foot clear roadway width with two 12-foot lanes and two 6-foot shoulders, plus a 4'-8" sidewalk on both sides.  The proposed bridge will be a three-cell precast arch culvert with an 80-foot overall length, carrying a 36-foot clear roadway width with two 11-foot lanes, two 2-foot striped buffers and two 5-foot bicycle compatible shoulders; plus a 13-foot shared use path on the north side and a 7-foot sidewalk on the south side. The scope also includes the installation of steam stabilization measures and approach roadway work as necessary at each end of the bridge to tie-in to the existing roadway.  The bridge and road will be closed to traffic within school summer break during the construction while maintaining vehicular traffic with a detour. The pedestrian/bicycle traffic will be detoured through a temporary 8’ shared use path via an 8’ wide temporary pedestrian bridge crossing Wheaton Branch located north of the Dennis Avenue Bridge. Accelerated bridge construction techniques will be utilized to minimize the disruption to the traveling public and local community.

Project Schedule

  • Design: October 2018 - Winter 2024
  • Construction: Summer 2025 - Spring 2026

A virtual public hearing was held April 3, 2024 to present project details, obtain community testimony and answer questions. Visit the 'Project Documents' tab of this website to access the hearing recording.

Public Feedback

The County welcomes your feedback. Public input adds to the success of any public infrastructure project as it allows the County to understand the concerns of the community. Your input is important!

Please provide us with your valuable comments by May 1, 2024, at 7 p.m., via the following:

Please be sure to include your name and property address on all email correspondence.

Project Managers

Replacement of Dennis Avenue Bridge No. M-0194 over Wheaton Branch
Greg Hwang / 240-777-7279 /
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Wheaton Branch Flood Mitigation
Leying Zhang  / 240-777-7727 /
MCDEP Division of Watershed Restoration
2425 Reedie Drive, 4th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Project Webpage: on the  “Wheaton Branch Flood Mitigation Project” tab.

Area Map