Heritage Triangle Trail – Phase I, Dr. Bird/Norwood Road
from MD 108 to Layhill Road
The Heritage Triangle Trail, Phase I is a project to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety along Dr. Bird (MD. 182) and Norwood Road. The Dr. Bird Road section is planned to run along the east side of Dr. Bird Road (MD 182) from Sandy Spring Road (MD 108) to the current terminus of an existing shared use path located approximately 1,400 feet south of MD 108. The Norwood Road section is planned to run along the east side of Norwood Road from just north of the driveway to the Adventure Park at Sandy Spring to just south of Ednor Road where it will tie into an existing shared use path approximately 1,700 ft. south of the Adventure Park.
Project Background
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is investing in a well- connected pedestrian and bicycle network which enriches the livability of local communities. As part of this effort, MCDOT is working to design and build share use path facilities that serve as critical links in the transportation system, providing access to residential areas, transit, commercial districts, schools, places of worship, parks, and recreational areas. Additionally, MCDOT was recently awarded a Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) Capital Improvement Grant from the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) to improve the multi-modal connections between four existing Maryland Heritage Area sites in the Olney area. The completed multi-modal connections will create a network of shared-use paths referred to as the Heritage Triangle Trail (HTT), which will connect the Olney Theatre Center, the Sandy Spring Museum, the Woodlawn Visitor Center, and the Underground Railroad Experience. The grant award provides funding to design two sections of the Heritage Triangle Trail along Dr. Bird Road and Norwood Road.
MCDOT has initiated preliminary design for both the Dr. Bird Road and Norwood Road shared use path facilities.
Contact Us:
Project Manager: Rebecca Park, P.E.
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
E-mail: Rebecca.Park@montgomerycountymd.gov
Phone: 240-777-7263
This tab will feature graphics, documents, and other resources related to the project. While some information is here now, additional information will be added as the meeting date gets closer.
Please check back often or subscribe for email updates.
Answering your questions:
- How will the Virtual Public Meeting work?
MCDOT will be holding the public meeting in a virtual setting. This means that you can log on with your computer or call in with your telephone to listen to and participate in the meeting. You will need to register for the meeting ahead of time, so please use the registration form on the project description tab.
We will have project meeting materials posted on this page before the meeting so that you can review them in advance of the meeting and be better prepared to discuss them. We will also have some feedback tools on the participate tab before the meeting.
Project Resources:
- 95% Design Plans
- 95% Design Plans - Cross Sections
- Project Map
- Project Timeline
- Study Area Map
- Project Newsletter
Meeting Resources:
Virtual Public Hearing- November 28, 2023
Virtual Public Meeting - February 25, 2021
Other Resources:
- Montgomery County Bicycle Master Plan
- Olney Master Plan
A virtual Public Hearing for the Heritage Triangle Trail was held on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023 to present the project scope, schedule and costs, obtain written testimony from the community and answer questions. The meeting recording is linked on the Project Documents tab.
Project Manager: Rebecca Park, P.E.
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
E-mail: Rebecca.Park@montgomerycountymd.gov
Phone: 240-777-7263