Norwood Shared Use Path Project


The goal of this project is to build a shared-use path (SUP) on the west (southbound) side of Norwood Road, starting from New Hampshire Avenue (MD 650) and ending about 600 feet north of Eubie Blake. The total length of the path will be about 6,300 linear feet. The path will have a width of 10 feet in most places and 8 feet where there are obstacles. A grass buffer of 2 to 6 feet will separate the existing curb and the shared-use path where feasible. Some parts of the existing Norwood Road shoulder will be modified to reduce impacts to the businesses and property owners.

The proposed shared use path will provide a safe, low-stress connection for pedestrians and bicyclists of all ages and abilities from neighborhood residences to shopping centers, nearby schools, and places of worship. Extra protections will be implemented to protect streams that provide habitat for diverse aquatic life.

Project Schedule

The Norwood Road Shared Use Path project has reached its 30% design milestone.

Project Manager

Khursheed Bilgrami
Montgomery County Department of Transportation
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: 240-777-7266

Area Map