Oak Drive MD 27 Sidewalk
(MD 27 to Bethesda Church Road)
Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), Division of Transportation Engineering (DTE), has completed preliminary planning and design for a concrete sidewalk along the west side of Oak Drive (Phase I) and the east side of MD 27 (Phase II, Phase II) in Damascus. This sidewalk project is in three phases. The Phase I sidewalk along Oak Drive is about 4,200 feet long and includes a 350-foot segment along the south side of Kingstead Road. The Phase II sidewalk along MD 27 is about 2,470 feet long. The Phase III sidewalk along MD 27 is about 2,260 feet long.
The project is provided to address the lack of continuous and safe pedestrian access to existing sidewalks and bikeways, schools, parks, transit stops, commercial areas, and community and public facilities in the Damascus area. The 2006 Damascus Master Plan and 2005 Countywide Bikeways Functional Master Plan recommends sidewalk in the project area.
Phase I – Phase I includes a 4,200-foot segment of Oak Drive and a 350-foot segment of Kingstead Road. This phase provides a 5-foot concrete sidewalk with green buffer along the west side of Oak Drive from its southern intersection with MD 27 to the John T. Baker Middle School.
Phase II - MD 27: This segment is from the northern intersection at Oak Drive, extending north about 2,260 feet, to the existing sidewalk near Damascus High School.
Phase III - MD 27: The scope will include a 5-foot-wide concrete sidewalk along MD 27 (Ridge Road) only. Phase II extends from the southern intersection at Oak Drive, extending north about 2,470 feet to the existing sidewalk near Ridge Landing Place.
The project will provide ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps, concrete driveway aprons, curb and gutter, drainage/stormwater management, retaining walls, and landscaping. At some locations, utility poles and other underground utilities will need to be relocated.
Phase 1 has been designed and constructed.
Phases 2 and 3:
- A public information meeting was held on January 30, 2025. The meeting recording is available for viewing on the Project Documents tab of this website.
- The final design is expected to be completed by Fall 2025.
- Construction is scheduled to begin in the second half of 2026.
Public Meeting - January 30, 2025
Project Documents
- Project Prospectus
- Oak Dr Comment Card Nov 2009
- Oak Dr-Ridge Rd Traffic Memo
- Oak Dr 12-15-10 Newsletter
- Oak Dr Approximate Sidewalk Locations
- Oak Dr Approximate Sidewalk Locations (Power Point Presentation)
- Oak Dr Nov 2009 Newsletter
- Oak Dr Comment Card DEC 13, 2010
- Pages from Oak-Ridge Prospectus June 29, 2011
- Ridge-Oak Handout
- Oak Dr-Ridge Rd Environmental Report
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Dec 2010
A public information meeting was held on January 30, 2025, and the recording is linked and available for viewing on the Project Documents tab of this website.
The County welcomes your feedback. Public input adds to the success of any public infrastructure project as it allows the County to understand the concerns of the community. Your input is important!
Please provide us with your valuable comments by Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., via the following:
- the online Comment Form (click here) , or
- Email MCDOT’s Project Manager, Kevin Minn, at Kevin Minn@montgomerycountymd.gov
Please be sure to include your name and property address in all email correspondence.
Project Manager
Kevin Minn, Engineer IIIMCDOT Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: 240-777-7228
E-mail: Kevin Minn@montgomerycountymd.gov