Valleywood Drive Pedestrian Bridge

The project is located in Silver Spring, on Valleywood Drive near Moline Road. The project is for the replacement of an existing timber pedestrian bridge with a new prefabricated steel pedestrian truss bridge over Joseph’s Branch. It also includes new bridge foundations and stream restoration.

Work will also include maintenance of traffic, clearing and grubbing, maintenance of stream flow, stream restoration, concrete demolition, installation of new traffic barriers, and landscaping.

The project’s Notice to Proceed has been issued. The Contractor, Concrete General Inc., proposes to commence work in the early Fall of 2024. Weather permitting, the project is slated for completion in the Spring of 2025.

Montgomery County Department of Transportation
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th FL
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878

Shirley Reeves-Collette, Area Engineer

Yilma Desta, Construction Representative

Area Map