Andrew Friedson is the District 1 Councilmember proudly representing Bethesda, Chevy Chase, and Potomac in Montgomery County, Maryland for his second term. Andrew was elected in 2018 as the youngest Councilmember in Montgomery County history and continued to make history as the youngest ever Council President. He continues to serve the only place he has ever called home. He chairs the Planning, Housing, & Parks (PHP) Committee and serves on the Government Operations & Fiscal Policy (GO) Committee.

Councilmember Friedson established a $100 million revolving Housing Production Fund and spearheaded legislation to incentivize smart growth housing near transit. He co-authored the County’s largest-ever climate investment with the Montgomery County Green Buildings Now Act and sponsored legislation to provide guaranteed paid parental leave for County employees.

About Andrew

Planning, Housing & Parks (PHP) (Chair)

Jurisdiction: Master Plans and amendments to the zoning laws; Issues related to parks and recreation; The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission; The Montgomery County Planning Board; Historic preservation; Housing; Agricultural preservation; Recreation.

Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO)

Jurisdiction: Economic and fiscal policy; spending affordability; County Government administrative departments; Department of General Services; cable and telecommunications issues; technology issues; personnel and compensation issues; procurement policy; oversight of interagency teams on training, public information, procurement, and PEG (public, education, and government) cable television channels.

District 1

District 1 map includes Glen Echo, Chevy Chase, Bethesda, Potomac, Darenstown, Poolesville, Seneca, Dickerson, Whites Ferry

Andrew Friedson represents District 1 which includes Southwestern Montgomery County: Bethesda, Cabin John, Chevy Chase, Friendship Heights and Palisades, Glen Echo and Potomac. To learn more about the area’s the district covers, use the interactive Council District map.

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More Housing N.O.W

On February 4, Councilmember Fani-Gonzalez and I introduced the More Housing N.O.W. (New Options for Workers) package with five bold steps to increase housing supply, reduce costs, and increase pathways to home ownership. Specifically, this housing package includes proposals to build more workforce housing, convert vacant office buildings to housing, and double the county’s investment in assistance for first-time homebuyers. Our approach increases housing options on select county corridors and does not propose any zoning changes within residential neighborhoods.

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