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Streetscape Survey Mapping Support

The Department of Technology Services - Geographic Information Systems (DTS-GIS) provides the Montgomery County, Maryland Urban District (UD) staff of Silver Spring, Bethesda, and Wheaton with field survey mapping support and training. The UD staff requested DTS-GIS to assist them with developing a computer-friendly method to survey and inventory streetscapes within their districts to improve maintenance efficiency. Consequently, DTS-GIS and UD performed the following tasks:

  • Developed inventory requirements for each streetscape feature to be mapped
  • Purchased hand-held computers (Compaq IPAQ) and ArcPad GIS software for field mapping
  • Installed GIS software on the hand-held computer
  • Downloaded GIS datasets (street centerlines and high-resolution ortho-photos) of each urban district to the hand-held computer
  • Created attribute tables and inventory forms for each streetscape feature, using ArcView GIS and ArcPad's Extension, in accordance with the inventory requirements.
  • Train UD staff how to use the hand-held computers and GIS software to map and survey streetscape features
  • Began to survey streetscape features such as trees, streetlights, benches, etc.. in each district (The mapping efforts are on-going)
  • Download the survey data into UD and County GIS databases for storage, retrieval, and sharing