Aging and Disability Resource Unit

How to Apply

To get information and or assistance for seniors, people with disabilities and or caregivers, call 240-777-3000.   The Unit is open Monday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.  If you hear a recorded message, it means all staff members are assisting other callers.  You may wait until the next staff person becomes available or you can leave a voice mail message and we will call you back.  While you will have questions for us when you call, we may also ask you questions to determine the best way to assist you.  You can call for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

Documents To Bring

If ADRU staff is assisting you with applying for benefits and services, they will tell you what documentation is needed. Many benefits and services have financial requirements so information about income and assets will be required.

Eligibility Requirements

Everyone is eligible to speak with ADRU specialists about issues concerning seniors, people with disabilities and their caregivers. There are various services and programs providing financial assistance. ADRU provides eligibility screenings and help completing applications. You may view the eligibility requirements (PDF). See link to eligibility criteria for selected federal and state programs from the Department of Aging.

Fees and Payments

There are no fees or payment required for services of the ADRU. Staff makes referrals to other programs in Aging and Disability Services and Health and Human Services.  They may also refer you to non-profit agencies or private fee for service agencies.


1.  Can I talk to someone in person?

Yes, but you should call first so that an appointment can be scheduled.  Arrangements can be made for you to come into our office or meet staff at a site in the community.

2.  What housing options are available in Montgomery County?

The Retirement Living Sourcebook contains information about senior housing choices of all kinds. It is available online and in print.

3. What transportation options are available for seniors and people with disabilities? 

The Transportation Network Disabilities and Adults 50+ (PDF) provides information.

Contact us for a printed copy.

4. What if I call about an adult who may be at risk of harm due to abuse, neglect, self-neglect or exploitation?

We will take preliminary information and refer those calls to Adult Protective Services for an additional screening by a clinical professional.   We may also refer other clinically oriented calls for further screening.

5.  What if I call about another clinical program in Aging & Disability Services?  

We will take preliminary information and refer those calls to the clinical screening unit.  That unit will determine if a nurse or social worker should be assigned.

6. What is a File of Life?

‘File of Life’ is a red, plastic, magnetic file pocket that attaches to a refrigerator. The completed information in the file provides emergency medical personnel with quick access to important information, such as medical conditions, medications taken, allergies, medical history and emergency contact information. The ability to access this information can save valuable time, enabling quick assessments of medical situations by emergency medical personnel.  Contact us for a free File of Life.

7.   Are there any helpful publications available?
View the Living and Thriving in Montgomery County-A Guide for Residents 60 and Over  guide (PDF).

View The Montgomery County Vital Living Networker guide (PDF).

Contact us for a printed copy.

8. How can I receive information about County programs and services?

Sign up for our Senior News, an electronic newsletter that will update you about events and meetings of interest in your community, new or modified programs, benefits and services, changes in policies and/or laws, and other relevant information for seniors and caregivers.

  1. Go to E-Subscription
  2. Click on Create An Account or Update and Account
  3. Select Senior News under Health and Human Services

Additional Information

Download a free File of Life.
