DHHS Privacy Notice 

The DHHS Notice of Privacy Practices is provided to all individuals who apply for services. 

The purpose of the Notice is to inform you about:

  • Our legal obligation to protect your information
  • How we will share your information
  • Rights that you have related to your information
  • Who you can contact to ask questions, make a request, or file a complaint

The Notice is provided below:

The abridged Notice is provided below

Montgomery County Privacy Notice 

(including information on how to block cookies on our website)

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

HIPAA regulations require covered entities (like the Department) to have an individual's written authorization (permission) before we can share their records.  To request records about a client (with their permission), use the HIPAA forms below.

For records dealing with mental health and substance use, include a copy of the Notice Prohibiting Redisclosure.

HIPAA Training Videos


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