Partnership Fund for Victims of Hate/Violence
What the Fund Does
Since 1987, the Partnership Fund provides partial compensation for property damage to victims of racial, ethnic, religion, sexual orientation and disability based hate/violence. Acts of prejudice and hate are traumatic for both the targeted individuals and the community as a whole. The Partnership Fund's goals are to demonstrate community support for the victims and ease the financial consequences of such violence. A comprehensive program of monitoring, community education, law enforcement, and victim assistance, the Partnership Fund for Victims of Hate/Violence serves as a model for communities elsewhere. The Partnership Fund is a sub-committee of the Committee on Hate/Violence.
Who is Eligible to Receive Help
Individuals and private institutions may be eligible to receive financial assistance for the fund to repair or replace their property if:
- the property was damaged by a hate/violence act committed because of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or disability;
- the hate/violence incident occurred in Montgomery County; and
- prompt application is made to the Montgomery County Office of Human Rights.
How to Apply
To obtain more information, report an incident of hate/violence or apply for property damage compensation, contact or visit the Montgomery County Office of Human Rights.
You may contribute to the Partnership fund by sending a check payable to the Montgomery County Office of Human Rights Partnership Fund to the following address:
Montgomery County Office of Human Rights
21 Maryland Avenue, Suite 330
Rockville, Maryland 20850