Learn About Foster Parenting in
Montgomery County


Thank you for your interest in learning about becoming a Foster Parent (also called a Resource Parent) in Montgomery County, Maryland.  Foster parents are temporary, substitute parents who provide for the physical, emotional, and social needs of children until the biological family can be reunited or a permanent placement can be implemented.   

We hold monthly, virtual information meetings to provide an overview of Child Welfare Services, and share more about what foster care is and what foster parenting
involves, including the licensing requirements and processes to become a foster parent.

Who is in foster care?
Children in foster care have been removed from their homes due to
some form of abuse or neglect that posed a significant risk to their
safety. They are Montgomery County children and they come from all
backgrounds--a variety of social and economic backgrounds, from every
race, religion and nationality.  Their ages range from infancy to young adult.
These children are not orphans and have experienced significant
trauma. Foster parents are trusted to keep children safe while Child
Welfare Services works with the biological parents to put services and a plan in place
so that children will be safe upon reunification. Only if this plan cannot be
achieved is there a possibility of adoption.

Can I be a foster parent?
The most important qualification to become a foster parent is a
desire to protect children. The second most important is flexibility!
Since foster care is a government program, the requirements to become
a foster parent are mandated by law. We are not able to make exceptions.

Inquiry Form
If you would like to learn more about becoming a foster parent, please submit an  inquiry form.

Contact our Foster Parent recruiters:
Foster Parent Recruitment: 240-777-1664
Email: [email protected]


Please note registration is required for the information meetings.
Please complete inquiry form or email [email protected] for the registration link.

Monday, June 10, 2024, 6:30pm
Thursday, July 18, 2024 6:30pm
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 12:00pm
Monday, September 16, 2024 6:30pm
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 6:30pm
Thursday, November 14, 2024 6:30pm
Friday, December 6, 2024 12:00pm