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For Fire Safety and Injury Prevention Information and Resources:


State Injury Profile:

CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control gathers data about a broad range of intentional and unintentional injuries or what many people call 'violence' and 'accidents.' Injuries affect everyone. Injury is the leading cause of death for all Americans ages one to 34, and injury remains one of the leading causes of death, no matter how long someone may live.

Maps and graphs in this State Injury Profile show this state's death rates from in falls, poisoning, drowning, suffocation, fires and burns, suicide, homicide, traumatic brain injury and injuries related to firearms. The graphics show how this state compares with others and with mortality rates in the United States as a whole. You will also find a table showing the Ten Leading Causes of Death for the United States and for Maryland.

Fire Statistics:  ( Outside Link USFA)

This page contains statistics on fires that occur in the United States and analytical and topical reports that describe the national fire problem. Also included are statistics related to firefighters and fire departments.

Fire Statistics by State ( Outside Link USFA)

The fire problem varies from region to region in the United States. This often is a result of climate, poverty, education, demographics, and other causal factors. The following table shows the District of Columbia's and each State's fire death rate per capita for 2004 based on the State where the fire death occurred. The national fire death rate in 2004 was 12.4 deaths per million population. States are listed by rate from highest to lowest. The higher death rates in 2004 were in the District of Columbia, Mississippi, and Alabama. The states with the lowest rates were Colorado, Vermont, and Wyoming.

State of Maryland Fire Stats, Info - Office of the Fire Marshal  ( Outside Link)


Safe Kids Safety Fact Sheets and Information:  ( Outside Link)

Accidents kill one million children each year around the world and permanently disable many more. And almost all of these injuries are preventable.

Publications and other Children's Fire Safety Resources ( Outside Link USFA)

Children and Smoke Alarms

Juvenile Fire Setting

Smoke Alarms

Home Fire Sprinklers:

After the Fire