The Internal Affairs Division of the Montgomery County Department of Police is committed to upholding the highest standards of accountability and integrity in its investigations. Our investigators are focused on conducting impartial, efficient, and fair investigations into misconduct allegations involving police officers and civilian employees. We understand that the trust of citizens and employees is paramount, and we work hard to maintain that trust by addressing concerns with sensitivity and respect. We assure citizens and staff that all concerns raised will be addressed and resolved in an appropriate and timely manner.

How do I file a complaint involving an MCPD employee?

  • Complaints involving an MCPD employee can be submitted online (preferred) via this link.
  • Complaints involving an MCPD employee can be filed in person at any of the six district stations or at Police Headquarters.
  • Complaints involving an MCPD employee can be sent via e-mail to
  • Complaints involving an MCPD employee can be sent via mail to the Internal Affairs Division at 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878. You can use the Complaint Brochure linked below.
  • Complaints involving an MCPD employee can be filed on the Police Accountability Board website at
  • Note: Please be advised that submitting a complaint to the Internal Affairs Division will not have any effect on criminal or civil charges that have been placed against a person by the police. Only the courts and the State’s Attorney’s Office can resolve those matters. For any questions regarding the process, please contact the Internal Affairs Division at 240-773-6000.
  • For general police complaints, (i.e. parking, traffic, noise, complaints of crime) please contact 301-279-8000.
  • For complaints against employees from other jurisdictions (Gaithersburg, Rockville, etc.) please see the FAQs section for links to other jurisdictions.

How do I file a compliment involving an MCPD employee?

  • Compliments involving an MCPD employee can be submitted online (preferred) via this link.
  • Compliments involving an MCPD employee can be e-mailed to the employee’s commander or mailed to the district station. Find the districts here. You can use the Compliment Brochure listed below.
  • Compliments involving an MCPD employee can be e-mailed to the Office of the Chief or sent by mail to Office of the Chief, 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878.

Compliment/Complaint Process Brochure

Compliment/complaint process brochure (English)

Compliment/complaint process brochure (Spanish)

Frequently Asked Questions