
The Criminal Section investigates, locates and arrests approximately 1200 fugitives per year for charges ranging from serious felonies to lesser offenses and misdemeanors. The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office is responsible for all Circuit Court Warrants, District Court Arrest Warrants that are Domestic Violence related and District Court Civil Body Attachments. The Criminal Section maintains on-line warrant systems including NCIC (National Crime Information Center), METERS (Maryland Electronic Telecommunications Enforcement Resource System) and EJUSTICE (Local System).

Criminal Section deputies are not restricted to just Montgomery County; Deputies arrest fugitives in other counties, cities and states throughout the United States with the assistance of other law enforcement agencies.

The Criminal Section is also tasked with extraditions. When fugitives are arrested in other jurisdictions outside of the State of Maryland for outstanding Circuit Court Warrants, criminal section deputies take custody of the wanted person and returns the fugitive to Montgomery County for prosecution. The defendant is then produced in person before a Circuit Court Judge for purposes of bond or continued incarceration.

If you have any information about the whereabouts of a fugitive, please call the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Criminal Section at (240) 777-7022. All information will be kept confidential.