Stream Health - What We Monitor

Stream health and how it effects our drinking water is important to all of us. The cornerstone of the entire Clean Water Montgomery program is extensive water quality monitoring that is data driven and steeped in science for accuracy and precision.

Montgomery County monitors stream water to assess the aquatic habitat and environmental impacts on organisms. By monitoring the stream health, scientists study bio-indicators such as a range of aquatic organisms that are dependent on clean water, normal water flow and sufficient habitats for survival. Evaluating species diversity, reproductive health and water chemistry provide indicators for the stream’s overall health. A diverse aquatic community indicates a healthy water system.

Here are some of the things Montgomery County biologists monitor to determine stream health:

  • Pollution in bodies of water throughout the County
  • Streams that have been damaged and need to be repaired
  • The effectiveness of watershed restoration projects in improving water quality
  • Stream conditions in the County’s Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
  • Consistently meeting the County's water quality goals and standards

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