Stream Health and Monitoring

Welcome to the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) water quality monitoring program! As a vital part of our comprehensive watershed program, our efforts cover a broad range of monitoring that assess the water in our streams throughout the County, including assessments of the biological community, stream structure, water flow, and water chemistry testing. Here in Montgomery County, we are committed to protecting and preserving our water sources so that our County will remain an abundant community for all organisms – both great and small.

We invite you to join us in tracking our progress as we strive to meet water quality standards and ensure the long-term health of our watersheds. Please visit this page often to gain deeper insights into Montgomery County’s stream monitoring initiatives and learn how they aim to safeguard and protect our precious water systems – and how you can help too!


The State of Maryland established Tier II regulations to provide additional, mandatory protection for waters of better quality than the minimum federal and state water quality standards. These high-quality waters are known as "outstanding waters" and are so designated through biological monitoring and data assessment (such as the Maryland Biological Stream Survey).  Anti-degradation provisions of the Clean Water Act require that any discharge permits, water/sewer plan amendments, development activities, and other activities in the watershed must not impact the existing level of water quality. If impacts are unavoidable, special exemptions must be established through legal process with the Maryland Department of the Environment.