Water Quality Protection Charge

The Water Quality Protection Charge (WQPC) funds many of the County’s Clean Water Montgomery initiatives. Examples include restoring streams, monitoring streams, cleaning and maintaining storm drains, inspecting stormwater management practices, protecting water quality and wildlife habitat, and flooding prevention activities.

The WQPC is assessed along with the annual property tax bill on July 1st each year. The payment process and schedules follow the rules and regulations of the Department of Finance.

Who pays the charge?

All property owners in Montgomery County pay the WQPC, including businesses, HOAs and non-profit organizations.

What's my charge?

Look up your charge by tax year and account ID or street address.

How is the charge calculated?

The Water Quality Protection Charge is calculated based on how much of your property is impervious. See rate and charge details.

How may the charge be reduced?

You may be eligible for a credit up to 80% off your charge if you have a stormwater management practice on your property. You may also be able to request a hardship reduction or appeal the charge.


Call MC311 (311 in the County or 240-777-0311, 711 for MD Relay TTY) or create a service request.