If your trip starts and ends within a single zone, Flex is a convenient new option for you and an incredible value. Welcome to transit on demand and a 2020 National Association of Counties (NACo) Innovation Award Winner.
MCDOT’s new on demand transit service helps you get around in defined Rockville and Glenmont/Wheaton zones. Ride On Flex has no fixed stops or fixed schedules – it comes when you book a ride during regular service hours. Best of all, you pay only standard Ride On fare to ride Flex—no more than $1!
Then pay as you board! See details for more important information before you book your first ride.
Please visit our frequently asked questions (FAQ). If we haven’t answered your question, please contact us at RideOn.FlexCustomerService@montgomerycountymd.gov, or call 311 (240-777-0311 outside the county). TTY (for hearing impaired): Maryland Relay 711.
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To realize a future for Montgomery County that includes a first-rate, multi-modal transportation system, MCDOT is expanding choices for all the users of our network. The Ride On Flex represents the third tier of bus service in a four-tier plan.