Commercial Retaining Wall Permit & Inspection Process

A permit application for a retaining wall installed on the private property line must be accompanied by a letter of approval from the adjacent property owner. A separate permit will be needed for any segment of the retaining wall on crossing a lot line. Occasionally, lot conditions require approvals from other agencies such as easement holders, or homeowner associations. Any dispute as to whether a Retaining Wall has extended into a neighbor’s property or questions about the location of property lines is a legal matter to be resolved by the property owners. Any Retaining Wall installed within the County right of way will not be permitted and will be required to be removed. A retaining wall is considered an accessory structure if it exceeds the height of 6' - 6.”
Retaining walls with a design wall height of over 7’-0” shall also meet the submittal criteria for Montgomery County Special Inspection Program.
Commercial Retaining Wall Permit Submittal Requirements
Special Inspections Program Manual
Statement of Special Inspections
A permit is required to install a retaining wall if the height of the wall measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall is over 48 inches unless supporting a surcharge.
Measurement of Height: Wall height is measured from the lowest level of the grade abutting a wall.
Height and Placement: The maximum height of a Retaining Wall or wall is 6' 6". Except as follows:
- A wall must not be located within any required drainage, utility or similar easement, unless approved by the agency with jurisdiction over the easement.
Exemptions from Building Line and Setbacks:
- A retaining wall where changes in street grade, width, or alignment have made such structures necessary;
- Any other wall or Retaining Wall that is 6.5 feet or less in height and is not on a property abutting a national historic park;
Permit issuance times are dependent on review workload. Generally, review comments are provided by DPS within 30 calendar days for properly submitted plans.
DPS permit fees for a retaining wall are based on cost of construction under Repairs, Alter, Accessory Structures.
Pre-Construction meeting is required for all Commercial Building Inspections.
Third party inspection is required for testing placed engineered fill and backfill, soil properties and compaction.
Based on the type of construction of the retaining walls (Segmented/ reinforced concrete and /or masonry)
For reinforced concrete walls;
- Footing inspection (Footing elevation, dimensions and reinforcing)
- Wall thickness and reinforcing
- Concrete strength (Third party Inspection)
- Final Inspection
- Footing inspection (Footing elevation, dimensions and reinforcing, concrete strength)
- Wall thickness and reinforcing
- Grout type and strength for masonry (Third party Inspection)
- Final Inspection
- Geogrid placement full time inspection by third party
- Segmental placement and thicknesses
- Final Inspection