Places of Worship Featured Program
Places of worship are generally places of assembly and follow the commercial permit process per the building code. Places of worship are permitted in all zones throughout Montgomery County. The building design and site development will need to adhere to building code and land development regulations. The DPS program offers a free design consultation meeting to help the applicant understand development requirements for a specific location. Ideally, this consultation should take place before a location as part of due diligence and site feasibility determination. Informed decisions save considerable time and money. DPS offers case management services for places of worship with assigned staff to help the applicant successfully develop its property.
It is highly recommended for applicant(s) to schedule a consultation before purchasing, leasing and/or developing plans for a property.
BEFORE YOU SIGN OR LEASE - know your rights and obligations.
The program is primarily designed for projects which involve construction or major renovation of and/or conversion to a place of worship.
Applicants are required to bring a detailed project description, architectural and/or civil plans, any construction phasing plans, project timeline(s), their professional design team, and a list of code compliance concerns and/or questions for DPS personnel. The applicant should provide an agenda for the meeting as well which outlines these items.