Fire Protection System Permit Permit & Inspection Process

A fire protection is required for all work involving any fire protection system addition or modification. Permits are required any time that a fire protection system is affected by any sort of work including repair.
Please note that fire alarm systems require a separate permit and are not part of the fire protection system permit. Permits are applied for and submitted electronically using DPS’ eServices.
Please see our fee schedule for information concerning costs associated with this permit.
The fire protection permit turnaround time varies with workload. Our goal is two weeks of processing time for regular system plans. Plans qualifying for our fast-track process should be reviewed within 24 business hours of application and submittal.
Fire protection plans that are a single floor of not more than 5,000 square feet and do not involve calculations are eligible for our fast track review program. Revised or corrected plans are not eligible for fast track review if they were not originally submitted as a fast track project. The review should occur within 24 business hours of plan submittal. Fast track permits can be applied for at any time. Please view our Fast Track Policy prior to submitting plans.