Tank Permit Application Process

Any addition or modification of a flammable liquid storage tank requires a tank permit from DPS.
At this time, we are requesting that all permit applications and payments, including supporting documentation for review, be submitted electronically. In lieu of paper documents, please email DPS.eServicesFPCC@montgomerycountymd.gov to provide the required information for review.
Permits can usually be issued the same day as the application is received and typically there is no inspection required.
Please see our fee schedule for information about fees associated with this permit. You may also contact us directly by using the staff directory or by calling 240.777.0311.
The application must be complete and include a legible site plan that shows dimensions to the nearest two property lines and closest building(s).
Each process requires a permit. A permit is required to remove the old tank and a separate permit is required to install the new tank.
The installation of a new tank may require associated building permits from DPS and/or plumbing permits from WSSC. The Fire Code Compliance Tank permit is not a building permit.