Forest Harvest Permits Permit & Inspection Process

Forest Harvest Permits are needed for logging and timber removal operations and are a type of sediment control permit. The proposed plans must not show a change in land use or new development; the forest harvest area must remain as woodland.
Forest harvest activity involving lots over 40,000 square feet in size will also need approval from the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) to address forest conservation if the property is not currently used for agricultural activities.
On land used for agricultural activities the County Arborist, with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), must approve the activity to ensure that it complies with County forest management objectives. However, no application for development must occur on the property for five years after the sediment control permit has been issued.
The Montgomery Soil Conservation District must also approve the forest harvest plans.
If the scope of work impacts a Montgomery County right-of-way, a Restore/Repair of the right-of way or Temporary Construction Entrance permit may also be required.
DPS issues forest harvest permits within one week of a complete submission; however, the approved plan is then routed to the Montgomery Soil Conservation District for final plan approval. Actual issuance time may vary due to complexity of the site, other approvals needed and staff workload.
The permit is valid for two years from the date of issuance. If needed, the permit may be extended if approved by DPS. Extension requests must be submitted in writing and accompanied by an extension fee.