New Septic System Permit & Inspection Process
Appeal Rights for Permit Denials
A Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems
Guia Para El Mantenimiento De Los Sistememas Septicos De Viviendas Particulares
Onsite Well and Septic Systems Management Program
Safety Screen Requirement for Septic Tanks ๐
A septic system permit is required to install a septic system to serve a new home, or to upgrade or replace an existing septic system to accommodate a building addition. Repairs or replacements of existing systems should visit the Septic Repair Permit Process Page .
A septic system permit is valid for twelve (12) months from the date of issuance and may be granted a one-time extension of 6 months from the expiration date. Once the permit has expired, a new application and fee is required.
A non-refundable permit fee must accompany the application package at submittal.
Please refer to the current fee regulation for more information regarding fees associated with this project.
Septic system permits are generally issued within two weeks of submission of a complete application package, provided the property is eligible for permit issuance. Permit processing time may vary due to workload factors and project complexity.