Residential Encroachments

An encroachment happens when a building feature and any stairs associated with that feature extend beyond the allowable distance.
Zoning Code
What are my Setbacks?
Look on the Zoning Division page under the SETBACKS tab.
What is my zone?
Check with the Find My Zone map.
Building Feature Encroachments
PORCHES, DECK, STEPS AND STOOPS – Can project 3’ into any side setback, 9’ into any front or rear setback. This includes covered porches but not porches that are screened in. Please remember the encroachment is for the building feature AND any stairs associated with that feature. Clients who have corner lots will want to contact zoning staff for side street encroachments.BALCONY - An unenclosed balcony may project a maximum of 6 feet into a required setback, if such projection is a minimum of 2 feet from the vertical plane of any lot line.
BAY WINDOWS AND ORIELS – Bay windows 10 feet in width or less, can project 3’ into any setback. Defined as: “A window, primarily made of glass, that projects from the wall of a building and forms an alcove of a room. It may have its foundation in the ground or be supported on corbels or otherwise. An oriel window is a type of bay window that is cantilevered (does not have its foundation in the ground).” The total length of all bay windows and oriels on a building façade is a maximum of 50% of the linear footage of the façade.
CHIMNEYS - as part of a detached house, duplex, or townhouse may project a maximum of 2 feet into any setback.
ENTRANCE, VESTIBULE – If 10 feet or less in width may project a maximum of 3 feet into any setback.
EAVES, CORNICE AND LIGHT SHELF – May project a maximum of 2 1/2 feet into any setback, if such extension remains a minimum of 2 feet from the vertical plane of any lot line.
HANDICAP FEATURE – A handicap facility (such as ramp) must meet the minimum standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act. These features are not subject to setback restrictions.
FENCES - Fences that are 6.5 feet or less in height (and not on a property abutting a historic park) are not subject to setbacks. Fences on corner lots are also subject to additional restrictions to prevent visual obstructions.
MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT - such as an HVAC unit or security lighting, may project a maximum of 5 feet into any front or rear setback.
RAINWATER COLLECTION - A permanent rainwater collection or harvesting system may project a maximum of 3 feet into any side street, side, or rear setback.
SOLAR PANEL - Can project 3 feet into any side setback and 9 feet into any front or rear setback.