Zoning and Code Compliance Division
What we do
The Zoning and Code Compliance Division protects the quality of life, public health, safety and welfare of Montgomery County residents. This is accomplished through the effective application and enforcement of the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance development standards; Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission certified site plan requirements; and emergency vehicle access. Division Staff perform zoning reviews of plan applications prior to permit issuance which includes coordinating with the Sign Review Board governing the placement of signs on commercial buildings and the Telecommunication Tower Committee regulating the placement of communication towers throughout the county.
Zoning Code Compliance staff investigate and respond to constituent complaints to ensure property owners maintain compliance with the zoning standards established by Chapter 59 of the Montgomery County Code. This program regulates the size, shape, height, and mass of a building; the uses that are allowed on the property; and, signage. Additionally, they regulate Chapter 47 of the Montgomery County Code governing Vendor Licensing and Operations. Lastly, they perform annual inspections of more than 800 Conditional Use and Special Exception Properties ensuring that the terms and conditions issued by the Montgomery County Board of Appeals and Office of Administrative Hearings are adhered to.
Zoning Review and Information

Standard Development
Established Building Line
Site Plan Requirements
Lot Type Examples
Complaints and Inspections