DPS eServices Training

DPS offers virtual eServices training using Microsoft Teams. There is no cost to attend these sessions, and you may register by emailing aaron.smith@montgomerycountymd.gov.
The training is provided by our Core eServices Team and includes use of Apply/Pay Online, ePlans, Data Search, account creation and more. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and receive detailed instruction related to specific issues you may have experienced with our programs. If you prefer specialized training based on the type(s) of applications you typically submit, would like training at your location, or need general eServices assistance, visit the eServices page to learn how DPS can help.
DPS offers virtual eServices training using Microsoft Teams. Register by emailing eServices@MontgomeryCountyMD.gov.
Training Topics
- Introduction to DPS eServices
- System Requirements
- Using DPS' eServices
- Electronic Permit Application and Payment
- Electronic Plans Submittal and Review
- eServices Account Creation
- DPS Contact Information
- Customer Q&A with DPS eServices Expert