Alcohol & Other Drug Addiction Advisory Council | Activities

  • Substance Use Mini-series

    A mini-series to educate the general public on substance use is in the early planning stage. This learning series is envisioned as approximately three virtual presentations planned for three Sundays in September 2021 addressing the addiction cycle, stigma, major classes of misused substances and their behavioral and physical effects, the value of early prevention interventions for youth at risk, and treatment models and delivery systems. The final session will include a resource fair.

  • Avery Road Facility Opening

    We are proud to announce the reopening of the Avery Road Treatment Center facility, a substance use disorder treatment program in Rockville that provides detoxification and immediate care. The Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA) helped Potomac Healthcare Foundation obtain the necessary licensing to operate in the new building and at the time of writing this support letter the substantial completion announcement is pending. This achievement resulted from county funding, state bond funding, and in partnership with the Potomac Health Care Foundation.  

  • SUPRE: Substance Use Prevention & Resiliency Education
  • "Stay Safe at Home! Remove or secure all substances at home in a safe place.

  • Montgomery County Efforts to Prevent Vaping

    AODAAC consulted with the Montgomery County Council on legislation intended to curb youth access to vaping devices and materials. Members met with Councilmember Albornoz to share reviews, critiques and suggested edits to the legislation under consideration by the County Council. The legislation primarily restricted sales within proximity of schools. 

Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services
Alcohol and Other Drug Addiction Advisory Council
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