Victim Services Advisory Board | Home
Mission Statement
The Victim Services Advisory Board (VSAB) supports Montgomery County's commitment to serving crime victims and their families. These include victims of rape, domestic violence (DV) and intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault, homicide, terrorism, hate violence, human trafficking, robbery, driving while intoxicated (DWI), vehicular manslaughter, assault, battery, burglary, arson, larceny, stalking, carjacking, harassment, vandalism and bullying.
The Victim Services Advisory Board (VSAB) must periodically:
- Review available services and facilities for victims and their families;
- Determine needs of the victim and family services programs;
- Submit at least one report annually to the County Executive and County Council on the progress of programs to victims and their families and of the actions needed to improve those programs;
- Make recommendations for appropriate allocation of funds in accordance with agreed upon and consideration of financial resources.
The Board is comprised of 18 members who are drawn from the community and serve three-year terms. If you are interested in applying for a board position, view the online application . You may also view all available vacancies .
Monthly Meetings
During the current fiscal year, the Board has adopted a hybrid approach to meetings, combining virtual meetings using Microsoft Teams or Zoom with several in-person meetings. Whether virtual or in person, all meetings are open to the public.
The Board meets the fourth Thursday of each month from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. virtually or in-person at the office of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, 1301 Piccard Drive in Rockville. The Board does not meet in August and combines its November and December sessions into one meeting held the first Thursday in December.
View the VSAP Advisory Board Meeting Calendar.
Trauma Services
Montgomery County Trauma Services is a comprehensive center for survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence and their children and survivors of crime, including sexual assault/rape, physical assault, homicide, human trafficking, etc. The program provides coordinated wraparound support for survivors.
Iraina “Liz” Briganty, LCSW-C, RPT
Staff Liaison
Trauma Services
301-461-6030 (Cell)
240-777-1315 (Office)