Takoma East Silver Spring (TESS) Community Action Center

8703 Flower Avenue, ​Silver Spring, MD 20901 
240-773-8260,  TTY users, call 711 

TESS is a walk-in site serving Montgomery County residents. Its information and referrals, social service assistance, interpretation and translation, education, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and legal services are delivered in partnership with nonprofits, public agencies and community groups. 


TESS Hours

Monday: Center closed. Staff telework and can be reached via email, phone, and virtual platforms.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: Walk-in services 9 - 11:30 am. Scheduled appointments 1- 4 pm. 
Friday: Walk-in services 9 - 11:30 am. Staff telework in the afternoon and can be reached via email, phone, and virtual platforms.


TESS Flyer

Community Action Agency Logo
Mission: The mission of the Montgomery County Community Action Agency is to advance social and economic mobility among communities and neighbors through services, partnerships, and advocacy using an equity lens.