Takoma East Silver Spring (TESS) Community Action Center
8703 Flower Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20901
240-773-8260, TTY users, call 711
TESS is a walk-in site serving Montgomery County residents. Its information and referrals, social service assistance, interpretation and translation, education, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and legal services are delivered in partnership with nonprofits, public agencies and community groups.
TESS Hours
Monday: Center closed. Staff telework and can be reached via email, phone, and virtual platforms.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: Walk-in services 9 - 11:30 am. Scheduled appointments 1- 4 pm.
Friday: Walk-in services 9 - 11:30 am. Staff telework in the afternoon and can be reached via email, phone, and virtual platforms.
Mission: The mission of the Montgomery County Community Action Agency is to advance social and economic mobility among communities and neighbors through services, partnerships, and advocacy using an equity lens.
1. Does the TESS Center provide translation services?
While working with clients, we interpret and translate some documents (i.e. notes and letters from public and private entities, Department of Health and Human Services correspondence, etc.) in Spanish or Amharic. The Language Line is utilized for other languages. Limits: No translation for medical, legal, or Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) documents.
2. Can the TESS Center help me with an immigration problem?
We may interpret a document so you know what it says, and provide referrals to other organizations specializing in immigration matters. Click here for immigration legal resources.
3. I am low-income and in need of health care services, but I am not eligible for most public services. Can you tell me where I can go?
Based on eligibility, we can help you apply for Medical Assistance and special funds. We provide referrals to public and nonprofit clinics. We cannot assist with applications for healthcare through the Affordable Care Act.
4. I am worried about my child or teen. Can the TESS Center help my family?
For an urgent issue, please call the County’s 24-hour Crisis Center, 240-777-4000. Depending on the concern, we can connect you with resources and organizations that address the needs of children and teens.
5. Can the TESS Center help me with a legal problem?
The Montgomery County Bar Foundations’ Pro Bono Program offers free legal services at TESS on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Registration is from 6 – 6:30 PM. Information on the Bar Foundation's Pro Bono Program: English and Spanish.
6. My partner is abusing me, but I do not want to create a legal problem for our family. Can the TESS Center help me?
For an urgent issue, please call the County’s 24-hour Crisis Center, 240-777-4000. We will review the situation, explain how the system works, and discuss rights, options and resources, such as the Crisis Center, the Victim Assistance and Sexual Assault Program (VASAP), and the Family Justice Center.
7. Can the TESS Center help me with food, housing, clothing, or utility bills?
Bilingual staff provide information and referrals for these needs and assist with applications. Please see the TESS outreach flyer for more information.
8. I need to file taxes, but I do not have a Social Security Number. What should I do?
The agency’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program provides free tax help at TESS on Tuesdays during the tax season (mid-January – mid-April), along with other locations on other days. All VITA sites serve clients with ITINs and our agency’s VITA program can assist with ITIN applications on Wednesdays during the tax season at our Rockville office. Please visit the CASHBACK website for the latest information on VITA.
9. I need to learn English. Where do I go?
We can refer you to classes through local organizations such as the Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy, the Literacy Council of Montgomery County, IMPACT Silver Spring, and the Gilchrist Center for Cultural Diversity.