Montgomery Cares Advisory Board | Home

Contact Us

Ashley Miller, Staff Liaison
1401 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor
Rockville, MD 2085


The Montgomery Cares Advisory Board (MCAB) meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 6-8:30 pm. The Board meetings are hybrid.
In-person meetings take place at 401 Hungerford Drive, Rockville. Virtual meetings are through Microsoft Teams. All in-person meetings offer a call-in option. The MCAB meeting schedule, along with the schedules for other advisory board/commissions/committees, is posted on the
Montgomery County website. Attend the public meeting on your computer, on your mobile device, or by dialing in on your phone.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Montgomery Cares Advisory Board (MCAB) is to advise and recommend policies that ensure access to high quality,
efficient health care and related services for low-income uninsured and underinsured Montgomery County residents..