School Health Services | Frequently Asked Questions

School Health Services banner - with county seal, and image of a bear and a stethescope


1.   What medical forms do I need to enroll my child in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS)?
Maryland law requires all students to present a Maryland Immunization Certificate #896 and a Health Inventory Form (proof of physical exam). Students entering Prekindergarten (Pre-K), Head Start, Kindergarten, or Grade 1 must also present a MDH Blood Lead Testing Certificate.

2.   What immunizations does my child need to enroll in school in Montgomery County?
School Health and MCPS follow State of Maryland vaccine requirements for children enrolled in preschool programs and in schools. The vaccines and the number of required doses of each of the vaccines vary, based on the child’s age. A chart showing the vaccine requirements for children can be found by viewing the Immunization Requirements.

3. What if my child needs to get medication during the school day?
To request that prescriptions or over-the-counter medication be given to a child during the school day, parents/guardians must complete  MCPS Form 525-13 which includes a signed order from a health care provider. If students require an epinephrine auto-injector in school, parents/guardians must complete MCPS Form 525-14, which includes a signed order from a health care provider. These forms are available online on the MCPS web site, or from the school’s health room. All medications must be properly labeled and brought to the school health room by an adult. No medication will be administered in school without the parent/guardian’s written authorization and an authorized healthcare provider’s written order. This includes both prescribed and over-the-counter medications. An authorized healthcare provider’s order and parental permission are necessary for self-carry/self-administered emergency medications such as asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors.

4. What do you do if your child has a special or chronic health condition?
Please consult with the school nurse at your child’s school.

5. When should I keep my child home from school?
Guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on when to keep your child home can be found    here. It is important to keep your child home when they are sick, and away from other children, to help prevent the spread of contagious diseases.

The School Health Services central office is located at:
401 Hungerford Drive, 2nd floor, Rockville, MD 20850
240-777-1550 (Phone) | 240-777-1860 (Fax)