Training Academy
Welcome to Recruit School at the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Training Academy, also known as the Public Service Training Academy (PSTA) This page is dedicated to information and education for individuals interested in learning about the training and career path of new employees to MCFRS. Candidates that have made it through the hiring process will be given a date and time to report to the training academy for their first day of work.
Recruits will be assigned to the training academy for approximately 26 weeks.The initial week will be dedicated to recruits working with human resources to fill out personal information and to receive their uniforms and safety gear. The first week recruits will be familiarized with the training academy, and introduced to their classmates and training academy staff. Below we have mapped out the 26 week schedule used with previous recruit classes. You can also read more of what to expect on a daily basis in the information provided.
You can expect the following for the 26 week recruit school.
- 1 Week Administrative Sessions
- 10 Weeks of Fire Training
- 10 Weeks Emergency Medical Service Training
- 1 Week Emergency Vehicle Training (Ambulance)
- 1 Week Hazmat & Terrorism Training
- 1 Week Software & Computer Training
- 1 Week Specialized Seminars & Training
- 1 Week Field Internship
The academy is going to be tough. Each day will start with physical training (PT). This will include strength exercises, running, pushups, and additional fitness routines. The exercises will condition your body for the rigorous activities involved with being a firefighter/rescuer.
Following physical training recruits will be given a short period of time to shower, and report for their assigned training. A lunch break will be provided midday for Recruits, and dismissal for the day varies. Typically the day ends at 5pm each day during recruit school. There are additional answers to your questions in our FAQ section below about recruit school details.
Once recruits have finished the 26 week training. Recruits will be assigned to a Fire Station in Montgomery County. Recruits will now become probationary employees. Probationary employees will be assigned a mentor, and will begin additional training to reinforce the skills learned during recruit school.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What hours do I work in the academy?
- A typical work week in the academy runs between 48-50 hours. While the academy strives to maintain a consistent schedule for each day, the need may arise to lengthen or shorten a particular day.
- What items do I need to purchase for the academy?
- MCFRS will provide you with uniforms, turnout gear, and other necessary items for recruit school. Some of the items you will need to purchase are:
- A pair of comfortable running/athletic shoes (Physical Training is a key element to recruit school. You will want a pair of quality running shoes to carry you through)
- Black socks to wear with your uniform
- A digital watch to keep time for EMS skills
- A 3" - 3 ring binder
- Basic school supplies (No.2 Pencils, Black Ink Pens, Pencil Pouch, Notebook Paper)
- Lunch Box
- What about lunch?
- There is no onsite food service other than vending machines. You will need to bring a packed lunch as recruits are not allowed off site for lunch. Microwaves are available, however there is no refrigeration available for recruits.
- What kind of physical shape do I need to be in?
- While you will probably leave recruit school in the best shape of your life, recruits need to come to recruit school with the ability to perform physically. You will be required at the end of recruit school to take a physical assessment which will determine if you are physically prepared for a career as a firefighter. This includes doing pull ups, running a mile and a half in 11 minutes, push ups, sit ups, as well as completing a competency course in your gear. Basically begin working out now. The workouts provided on the CPAT page are a great resource to prepare you for the fitness demands of the academy.
- When do I get my first paycheck?
- Paychecks are deposited into your bank account every other Friday. You will receive your first paycheck approximately 4 weeks after the start of recruit school.
- When do my benefits start?
- All benefits begin on your first day of recruit school. Members of the human resources department will meet with you during the first week of recruit school to obtain all of your information and get you enrolled into your benefits program.
- What about time off?
- Except for emergencies, sickness, or injury; there is no time off available during recruit school.