Airpark Community Advisory Committee
Latest Announcements
The January ACAC Meeting will be held on Wednesday the 29th. Community members will be able to sign up to speak starting on January 3rd.
Sign up
for an opportunity to speak at the January 29th ACAC Meeting.
Mo. Co. Code Section 42-34A
Advises the County Executive, County Council, and Revenue Authority regarding Montgomery County Airpark operations, community concerns, safety and community impact; and reports annually regarding available data on noise complaints, itinerate flight operations, local flight operations, and other community concerns; and facility improvement plans or recommended changes to the Airport Layout Plan. Members serve three-year terms without compensation.
The current members of the Committee are:
- Ruben Rosario
- Bobbi Besley
- Justin Bollum
- H Michael Brown
- Karen Kodjanian
- Rony Ledany
- Councilmember Dawn Luedtke
- William Reindollar
- Lynne Stein Benzion
- Dale Tuttle
Meeting Agenda
Commission meeting minutes are posted once they are approved by the Commissioners.
Meeting Minutes
Joe Pospisil
Program Specialist
[email protected]
Phone: 240-777-2160