This page has information about community involvement in the BRAC process, and information about the neighborhoods, major employers, and parks and recreation areas near Bethessda Naval Hospital.

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Summaries of BRAC Implementation Committee Meetings

 2010 Meetings:

In recent months, there have been reports of other construction delays at the new joint Army-Navy "Walter Reed National Medical Center", which is being built on the campus of the existing Bethesda Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. In addition, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D.-Md.), whose district includes the Walter Reed campus, continues to lobby for funds to expand surrounding roadways, and fund a pedestrian tunnel across Route 355 to the NIH Metrorail station.

Chairman Edwards says he's confident that Walter Reed, and a new base medical facility at Fort Belvoir, will provide "world class care, cutting edge facilities unlike anything we've seen before. It appears that some of the construction challenges at Fort Belvoir are going to require some additional spending, in order to meet the deadline. I'm still not sure we've solved all the traffic problems that are going to be caused by the expansion at Bethesda and at Fort Belvoir."

Edwards also believes the lack of funding to provide for local traffic and other infrastructure improvements to deal with additional traffic resulting from BRAC-mandated facility changes is "a real fault of the current BRAC process. It does not take into account the need to invest in roads that are not directly located on a military site, but will be directly impacted by a DoD facility."

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