Old Georgetown Road and West Cedar Lane/Oakmont Avenue Intersection


  • Maryland Department of Transportation, State Highway Administration

Coordinating agencies:

  • Montgomery County Department of Transportation
  • U.S. Navy
  • National Institutes of Health
  • Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
  • National Capital Planning Commission


  • Project funded through a grant from the DoD Office of Economic Adjustment for transportation projects at BRAC-impacted military medical facilities.

Scope of Work:

  • Widen road along southbound MD 187 south of Cedar Lane to create a new northbound dedicated right turn lane onto Cedar Lane
  • Change lane usage on westbound Cedar Lane from a through lane to shared through/left turn lane
  • Construct an exclusive right turn lane
  • Target completion, Spring 2017
  • NOTE:  End of 2016 is target ciompletion for a separate SHA/MCDOT project to extend the Bethesda Trolley Trail south along Old Georgetown Rpad from  Charles Street past NIH to Lincoln Street.


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