Climate Action Planning

In July 2019, Montgomery County launched a planning process to develop prioritized actions and strategies to meet the County’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals.

To kick off the climate planning process, the County convened several technical workgroups consisting of 150 community members, County and municipality staff. The workgroups, which have concluded, developed 894 recommendations. In April 2020, the County executed a contract with a consultant team for the analysis and modeling phase of the Climate Action Plan. The public provided input at multiple phases of the climate planning process.

The County finalized a Climate Action Plan in June 2021 that provides a roadmap to achieve zero emissions and provide recommendations for adapting to a changing climate. A Climate Action Plan Timeline is provided below.

Volunteers holding small trees to be planted.

Tour the Climate Action Plan Virtual Info Room

Climate Action Plan Virtual Information Room

Climate Action Planning Milestones

Climate Workgroup Efforts - Spring 2019 to Winter 2020

The County formed six technical climate workgroups—made up of County volunteers with area-specific expertise—focused on buildings, clean energy, transportation, climate adaption, carbon sequestration, and public engagement and education. Each workgroup developed and submitted recommendations to reduce GHG emissions while promoting equity.

Technical Analysis and CAP Development - Spring to Fall 2020

Technical analysis and modeling to inform the Climate Vulnerability Assessment, priority actions, and CAP development.

Draft CAP for Public Review - Winter 2020

The County connected with over 1,000 participants during 24 outreach events and received over 500 pages of written comments.
Draft CAP for Public Review News Release

Public Review of Workgroup - Spring 2020

Public Review of Workgroup Recommendations. The public reviewed the workgroup recommendations.

Racial Equity and Social Justice Workshops - Fall 2020

Organizations that serve vulnerable populations in the County engaged in a two-part workshop to share insights on racial equity, social justice, and climate change.

Final Climate Action Plan - Summer 2021

Final Climate Action Plan released in June 2021.

Climate Technical Workgroups

Climate Workgroup Meetings On-Demand