Climate Smart: Newsletters
Be Climate Smart and sign up for climate-friendly newsletters.
- Montgomery County Climate News - News and updates about the County's climate and resiliency efforts
- My Green Montgomery - News and updates for living a green life in Montgomery County
- Food Systems Resilience – Food systems resilience quarterly newsletter
Emergency Preparedness
- Alert Montgomery - Receive notifications about emergencies that may affect your home, workplace, child's school, or any other locations within Montgomery County, Maryland
- Go Montgomery - News and information about transportation, including roads, transit, hiker-biker trails and pedestrian safety
- Montgomery County Electric Vehicle Purchasing Co-op News - Updates on the EVPC and other EV-related programs in Montgomery County
- Montgomery Power Line - Updates on energy happenings and stories in the County
- Montgomery County Office of Energy and Sustainability - The Office of Energy and Sustainability oversees the overall greening of government operations across all County departments
- Lawn Care e-News - Learn about growing a healthy organic lawn
- RainScapes Gazette - Learn about upcoming Rainscapes events, trainings and related news