Standing Committees at a Glance
There are currently seven Council standing committees. Each Committee has budget review and program oversight responsibilities. Some cross-cutting issues may be reviewed by two or more committees meeting jointly.
In some of the committees, an individual other than the chair has been designated as the Lead Councilmember for an issue or group of issues. Lead Councilmembers take the initiative in developing agenda items in their areas of responsibility and act as chair of the committee for these specified topics.
The Council also convenes ad hoc committees as necessary.
Council committees customarily meet on Mondays and Thursdays. During the Council budget seasons committee sessions are held more frequently. The Council’s operating budget season is mid-March through May each year, with most committee worksessions taking place in April. The full Capital Improvements Program is reviewed biannually from mid-January through May, with most committee worksessions taking place in February; however, amendments to the Capital Improvements Program may be considered at any time.
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Kate Stewart, Chair
Andrew Friedson
Will Jawando
Sidney Katz
Jurisdiction: Issues related to external and internal audits of the County

Economic Development (ECON)
Natali Fani-González, Chair
Marilyn Balcombe
Evan Glass
Laurie-Anne Sayles
Jurisdiction: Issues relating to Alcohol Beverage Services, Agritourism, Conference and Visitors Bureau, Economic Development, Incubator Programs, MCEDC, Permitting Services, Revenue Authority, Small Business Advancement Team, Telecommunications and Technology (Office of Broadband Programs, Digital Equity, FiberNet programs), Urban Districts/BIDs, Worksource.

Education & Culture (EC)
Will Jawando, Chair
Gabe Albornoz
Kristin Mink
Jurisdiction: Issues relating to Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy, and Community use of Public Facilities.
Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO)
Kate Stewart, Chair
Andrew Friedson
Sidney Katz
Jurisdiction: Economic and fiscal policy; spending affordability; County Government administrative departments; Department of General Services; cable and telecommunications issues; technology issues; personnel and compensation issues; procurement policy; oversight of interagency teams on training, public information, procurement, and PEG (public, education, and government) cable television channels.

Health and Human Services (HHS)
Gabe Albornoz, Chair
Dawn Luedtke
Laurie-Anne Sayles
Jurisdiction: The Department of Health and Human Services and all associated issues and organizations and Office of Human Rights.

Planning, Housing & Parks (PHP)
Andrew Friedson, Chair
Natali Fani-González
Will Jawando
Jurisdiction: Master Plans and amendments to the zoning laws; issues related to parks and recreation, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and the Montgomery County Planning Board; historic preservation; housing, agricultural preservation; and Recreation.

Public Safety (PS)
Sidney Katz, Chair
Dawn Luedtke
Kristin Mink
Jurisdiction: The Police Department, State's Attorney's Office, the Circuit Court, Sheriff's Office, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission; Fire and Rescue Service, Emergency Management and Homeland Security; Animal Control and Office of Consumer Protection.
Transportation & Environment (TE)
Evan Glass, Chair
Marilyn Balcombe
Kate Stewart
Jurisdiction: Climate change, energy policy, water and sewer issues and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission; issues relating to environmental protection and conservation, including forest conservation; and solid waste, County infrastructure issues including public transportation, roadway and street construction and maintenance.