2009 Zoning Text Amendments (ZTA’s) and Subdivision Regulation Amendments (SRA’s)

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ZTA/SRA No. Title Status

Chap. 33A

Amendment to Chapter 33A:
Planning Procedures - Master Plan Public Hearings

Enacted - Ord. No. 16-36 
HPA-09-1 Historic Resources Preservation - Amendments Introduced 
ZTA-09-14  Hearing Examiner - Report Dissemination  Enacted -  Ord. No. 16-43
ZTA-09-13  Transit Mixed-Use (TMX) Zone - Prior Approvals  Enacted -  Ord. No. 16-45
ZTA-09-12  Rural Services (RS) Zone - Development Standards  Enacted -  Ord. No. 16-42
ZTA-09-11 Residential Zones - Agricultural Vending  Enacted - Ord. No. 16-50
ZTA-09-10  Technology and Business Park Zones - Hospital  Introduced 
ZTA-09-09  Planning Board Enforcement  Enacted - Ord. No. 16-48
ZTA-09-08 Commerical/Residential Zones - Establishment  Enacted - Ord. No. 16-44
ZTA-09-07 Life Sciences Center Zone  - Revisions  Enacted - Ord. No. 16-49 
ZTA-09-06 Town Sector Zone - Minimum Size Enacted -  Ord. No. 16-39
ZTA-09-05  Burtonsville Overlay Zone - Allowed Uses  Enacted -  Ord. No. 16-41
ZTA-09-04  RNC Zones - Equestrian Facilities  Enacted -  Ord. No. 16-38
ZTA-09-03 Home Occupations and Residential Off-street Parking Enacted - Ord. No. 16-59 
ZTA-09-02 Special Provision - Parcel Consolidation  Enacted -  Ord. No. 16-37
ZTA-09-01 Sandy Spring/Ashton Overlay Zone  - Prohibited Uses   Enacted -  Ord. No. 16-40
SRA-09-03 Enforcement - Amendments  Enacted - Ord. No. 16-47 
SRA-09-02  Subdivision Approval - Conflict Resoluton  Introduced
SRA-09-01 Adequate Public Facilities - Validity Period Enacted - Ord. No. 16-35