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   Montgomery County Department of Transportation
   Division of Transportation Engineering  


Facility Planning


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important for me to attend this meeting?

DTE believes that public input is the key to an effective planning process because it allows decision makers to understand the needs of the needs of their community. DTE always encourages the public to attend any of our public information meetings. The public meeting will allow a forum in which you can learn more about the project and how it may directly impact you or your property, and provide an opportunity to voice your concerns

What should I expect at the public meeting?.

At the public meeting you will get an opportunity to meet the project manager and representatives from the different agencies who are involved with the study. A presentation will be made that will give a brief overview of the Facility planning process for the Redland Road Sidewalk project, and a discussion of the available concept plans. Finally, there will be a question period to address any immediate comments or concerns you may have.

What if I can not attend the meeting? Is there any other way that I can be certain that you will receive my input?

We certainly understand that your schedule may not permit you to attend the public meeting. You may, however, share your comments in various means Patricia Shepherd, Bikeways Coordinator.

Phone: 240-777-7231
Fax: 240-777-7277
E-mail: [email protected]
DTE-Department of Transportation, Division of Transporation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor, S.E. Wing, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

What is Facility Planning?

Facility planning for road construction is an evaluation process that furnishes design plans which are approximately 35% complete. It is managed in two phases. Phase I addresses two essential questions: What will be the improvements be? Why are these improvements necessary? Phase II addresses: How will these improvements be performed? How long will the design/ construction take? How much will the improvements cost? The components of both Phase I and II provide enough information for elected officials to determine whether or not the project is justified to be fully funded for design and construction.

What study stage is Redland Road Sidewalk?

Redland Road Sidewalk is in Facility Planning, Phase I ,which is the beginning of the analysis. Phase I generally provides 15% design and involves:

  1. Collecting background data, reviewing the Master Plan and identifying pending developments within the project limits;
  2. Developing concept plans;
  3. Obtaining public input;
  4. Selecting preferred alternative.

What happens after this meeting?

Your comments and concerns from the public information meeting will be taken into consideration as the project team evaluates each concept. In addition to the public's comments, the concept that best addresses the public safety, recreation, environment and improvements to the overall quality of the life will be selected. After formal review and approval by DTE's Director and the County Council, the public is informed of the decision before the project can advance to Phase II, Facility Planning.

Who receives this newsletter?

The newsletter is mailed to Home Owner Associations representing the subject study area and property owners directly abutting the subject roadway whose names appear on the County's Geographical Information System's (GIS) data base. If you would like to receive future newsletters on the Redland Road Sidewalk project.

Department of Transportation will be pleased to have your name added to the project's mailing list. Please contact Patricia Shepherd at 240-777-7231 or e-mail her at  [email protected]


For any MCDOT service request or complaint, call 311

When dialing outside of the county, call 240-777-0311 or submit via their website.

For website comments or to report website problems or broken links, please email us. This email address does not handle service requests or complaints.

Transportation Engineering · Montgomery County Department of Transportation
100 Edison Park Drive · Gaithersburg, MD 20878 · [email protected]
· telephone: 240-777-7220· fax: 240-777-7277 ·