DOT Transportation Engineering Projects

Great Seneca Transit Network (GSTN)

Transit Project

Project Manager:
Deanna B. Archey
Montgomery County Dept of Transportation
Acting Chief, Planning & Implementation
Transit Services Division

Project Description

The Pink and Lime Routes will begin service on September 8, 2024!
See Pink and Lime Route service details.

The Great Seneca Transit Network (GSTN) will provide frequent transit options, improving mobility and access to crucial jobs in the healthcare, biotech, and education sectors. GSTN is a crucial factor in supporting the continued growth of the burgeoning medical sciences industry by providing new efficient options to travel. GSTN will improve transit equity for all residents by connecting riders to jobs, healthcare providers, and medical facilities without auto use.

The network will be implemented in two phases. Phase 1 includes the Lime Line and the Pink Line. Phase 2 includes two additional routes (Cobalt Line and Gray Line) and an extension of the Lime Line.

MCDOT is advancing the initial phase of the project (Phase 1A) through planning, design, and construction. This phase includes opening the service with new bus stops at all the recommended station locations, dedicated bus lanes on the Pink and Lime Lines, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP) upgrades for traffic signals on the Pink Line. Montgomery County has funded Phase 1A of the project through design and construction.

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Get Involved

In March 2023, MCDOT held a Public Information Session as well as pop-up events around the community. Informational pop-ups were held at Shady Grove Metro Station on March 1 and at Rio Lakefront on March 11. A virtual public meeting with the MCDOT project ream was held on March 15. The summaries of each event, as well as the presentation materials and notes are available below.

Download Project Materials and Summaries:

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Project Status

The Pink and Lime Routes will begin service on September 8, 2024! See Pink and Lime Route service details.



This project is funded for planning, design, and construction.


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Montgomery County Department of Transportation is creating a new, high-quality bus service - Great Seneca Ride On ext R a. This new service along the Lime and Pink routes will provide frequent and reliable connections to key area destinations including Shady Grove Metro, Crown Farm, Adventist Healthcare Shady Grove Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University, the Universities at Shady Grove, Rio, and Traville Village Center.

Future Phases

Future phases of GSTN project will implement an expanded bus network to support the Great Seneca Science Corridor and surrounding areas. MCDOT developed the Great Seneca Transit Network as a near-term bus transit solution to provide direct, safe and affordable transportation connections in the area. The network will include five frequent bus routes, dedicated bus lanes and bus/bike lanes, new bus stations, and safer pedestrian and bike connections. This bus network will provide frequent and reliable connections between Kentlands, Crown Farm, King Farm, the Universities at Shady Grove, Adventist Shady Grove Hospital, Shady Grove Metro, Rockville, and other key destinations in support of the Great Seneca Science Corridor Master Plan.

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