Shady Grove Bikeway & Safety Improvements

Areas along this corridor have been identified in the Montgomery County Vision Zero plan as dangerous with multiple collisions involving vehicles and pedestrians resulting in serious injury or death. The Vision Zero plan aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries by 2030. Two stretches of this corridor: Metro Access Road to Midcounty Highway and MD 355 to I-270 are identified in the County’s Vision Zero High Injury Network. The study would review existing conditions, such as facility types, traffic volumes, crash data, and planned improvements recommended through recenter master plans along with planned developments to identify proposed multimodal safety improvements to address pedestrian and cyclist safety. Improvements would be prioritized, and cost estimates will be prepared.

Click here for more background and visuals regarding the project scope: .

Cameron McAllister, Senior Planning Specialist

Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: 202-577-8893

Area Map