
DOT Transportation Engineering Projects


US 29 Flash Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Flash on US 29 started service in October 2020. Learn more at RidetheFlash.com

Transit Project

Project Manager:
Jiaxin Tong, PE
Transportation Planning and Design
100 Edison Park, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, MD,20878
Email: Jiaxin.tong@montgomerycountymd.gov / Cell: 979-557-6815

Project Description

US 29 Flash is in Phase 2:

  • Flash on US 29 is currently in service.  For information on current US 29 Flash operations, visit RidetheFlash.com .
  • The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) recently completed construction on a new transit line, the Flash, along US 29.  Flash is a bus-based rapid transit (BRT) system with features that improve reliability, so you can get where you need to go quickly.  US 29 Flash is currently operating between Burtonsville and Silver Spring.  MCDOT recently completed the US 29 Mobility & Reliability Study to identify improvements to the US 29 Flash that would improve corridor travel time, increase pedestrian and bicycle access, and improve reliability for all transportation modes along the corridor.  Based on this study, the median bus lane hybrid alternative has been selected to move into design.
  • MCDOT has initiated work to complete preliminary engineering (35% design) for US 29 BRT Phase 2, which includes the recommended median bus lane hybrid concept.  The study area includes the existing US 29 Flash BRT corridor from Sligo Creek Parkway to Tech Road.  Task order activities will include community outreach, stakeholder engagement, design development, and cost estimate development.

Routes / Upcoming Projects:

Related Projects:

Project Map

BRT US 29 Project Schedule

Project Status

The project is in the process of completing preliminary engineering (35% design) to develop the design of the recommended median bus lane hybrid concept.

BRT US 29 Project Timeline

Participate Actively

Flash on US 29 started service in October 2020. Learn more at  RidetheFlash.com.

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Join our mailing list and receive project updates and community meetings and events.



Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC)

Corridor Advisory Committees (CACs) were created in 2015 as part of the Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s (MCDOT) planned Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service on US 29 from the Burtonsville to downtown Silver Spring. The committee is made up of residents, business owners, and other stakeholders along the corridor. The CAC meetings allow MCDOT to both give updates on the project to members of the community and to gather feedback from stakeholders along this portion of the corridor.

For more information on this corridor, see the Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan .


Meeting Documents

​Meeting #1 - Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting -  Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Meeting #2 - Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting - Thursday, January 30, 2025

Luis Boezi
Burnt Mills Hills Citizens Association

Luisa Cardona
Mid-County Regional Services

Pat Connolly
Holy Cross Health

Barabara (Bee) Ditzler
League of Women Voters

Brian Downie
Saul Centers, Inc.

Jay Elvove
Montgomery County Civic Federation/North Hills of Sligo Creek Civic Association

Avi Halpert
United Therapeutics Corporation

Kevin Harris
Zen Renovations

John Holden
South Four Corners Citizens Association

Matthew Koch
Interested Resident

Tom Lansworth
Interested Resident

Anita Morrison
Indian Springs Civic Association

Peter Myo Khin
Tamarack Triangle Civic Association

John Parrish
Interested Resident

Haley Peckett
Montgomery County Department of Transportation

Mark Posner
Interested Resident

Harriet Quinn
Interested Resident

Chris Reynolds
Seven Oaks/Evanswood Citizens' Association

Rob Richardson
LabQuest Community Partnership

Michele Riley
Silver Spring United Methodist Church

Steven Rolef
Dumont Oaks Community Association

Tina Slater
Purple Line NOW

Mel Tull
The Lee Development Group

Dan Wilhelm
Interested Resident

James Williamson
Williamson Lawn and Landscaping

Woodmoor-Pinecrest Citizens' Association

Funding for Flash on US 29


The US 29 BRT Phase 1 project was funded through a combination of County funding and a $10 million Federal TIGER Grant. The US 29 BRT Phase 2 preliminary engineering project (35% design) is funded through a combination of State and local funding sources. A detailed view of the project funding, budget, and additional data can be found on Montgomery County’s Capital Budget website here .

Learn more about Bus Rapid Transit in Montgomery County
