Park Valley Road Bridge (M-PK03)

This project provides for the replacement of the existing Park Valley Road Bridge over Sligo Creek and improvements of the existing Sligo Creek Trail in the vicinity of Park Valley Road.

  • Replacement of the existing Park Valley Road Bridge over Sligo Creek – This task will provide replacement of the existing bridge which is exhibiting structural and operational deficiencies.
  • Improvements of the existing Sligo Creek Trail in the vicinity of Park Valley Road – This task will provide for realignment of the existing trail to enhance pedestrian and bicycle access and safety

For additional information please visit us on twitter at MC_DTE @MOCO_DTE #ParkValleyRd

  • Construction: July 2018 – October 2019
  • The New Pedestrian Bridge is set in place and the path is connected. Please continue to use caution when traveling thru the are as work on the roadway bridge continues.
  • The Roadway bridge replacement continues and the road is expected to open in Late Fall of 2019.
  • Work will continue once the road is open and these activities will be under a flagging operation.

Bill Sittinger
Project Manager/ Construction Field Supervisor
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: 240-777-7272
E-mail: [email protected]

Area Map