Second Ave/Wayne Ave Separated Bike Lanes
The Second Avenue / Wayne Avenue Separated Bike Lanes project will construct separated bike lanes along Second Avenue and Wayne Avenue in downtown Silver Spring. The new bikeway will run along Second Avenue from Spring Street to Colesville Road (MD 384) and along Wayne Avenue from Colesville Road to Georgia Avenue (US 29).
A separated bike lane is a bike lane that is separated from moving vehicles with a barrier of some sort. Along Second and Wayne, we’ll use a painted buffer with flexpost delineators to keep cars from intruding on the bikeway.
The separated bike lane along Second Avenue and Wayne Avenue will be a two-way facility, like the cycle track along Woodglen Drive in White Flint. The bikeway will be on the east side of Second Avenue and on the north side of Wayne Avenue. The project will also include an extension of the Spring Street separated bike lanes from Second Avenue to the bridge over the Metro tracks.
Construction is anticipated to begin in mid-November, weather permitting. For more information, read the construction newsletter and updates on the Project Documents tab.
At the intersection of Second Avenue and Spring Street, a protected intersection will be constructed. A protected intersection is an intersection designed to provide a safer crossing for cyclists and pedestrians by improving sight-lines and slowing the speed at which vehicles turn.
Other traffic changes will be coming as part of this project. At Second Avenue’s intersections with Fenwick Lane and Cameron Street, southbound left turns will be fully controlled with left turn arrows. At the intersection of Wayne Avenue and Discovery Place, left turns will be banned. Left turns from eastbound Wayne Avenue onto northbound Georgia Avenue will only be able to turn left with a green arrow.
Another change will be the full-time prohibition of right turns from westbound Wayne Avenue onto northbound Colesville Road. Right turns will be prohibited at all times here. This will allow MCDOT to redesign the signal phasing to have an overlapping through movement. This will allow longer green times for Colesville Road, which will reduce congestion in the corridor. It also enables the protected phase for cyclists crossing Colesville Road. This right turn is very lightly used currently, and no additional delay is anticipated for the remainder of the road network.
Construction is anticipated to start in mid-November, weather permitting. Duration of construction is expected to take approximately 2 months to complete.
Construction Newsletter and Updates
- Construction Newsletter - May 2018
- Construction Update - September 2018
- Construction Update - July 2019
30% Design Documents
Matt Johnson, A.I.C.P.
BiPPA Program Manager
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Dr., 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: 240-777-7237
Area Map

— MC_DTE (@MoCo_DTE) August 1, 2019
You may have heard that Montgomery County is getting the first "protected intersection" on the east coast. But what is it? And how does it work?
We're glad you asked!
The intersection is under construction, and is at Spring St and Second Ave in downtown Silver Spring.
The first bus shelter is being installed on one of our floating bus platforms, this one at Second and Colesville.
— MC_DTE (@MoCo_DTE) September 26, 2019
We now have 7 floating bus platforms in the County. Of the 3 constructed for the Second/Wayne cycletrack, 2 will have shelters.