Executive Orders |
MCEO NO. 257-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Neelsville Church Road Sidewalk - CIP No. 506747. The County Executive finds that public interest requires construction of a sidewalk in the public right-of-way located in Germantown, Maryland, and the Director of the Department of Public Works and Transportation is authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk on the west side of Neelsville Church Road from Church Bend Court to Scenery Drive, located in Germantown, Maryland, under Capital Improvement Project 506747. The sidewalk will be 4' wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. Neelsville Church Road is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has an 80' public right-of-way. The existing roadway is 22' wide. There is 30' of public right-of-way along the west side of Neelsville Church Road. The sidewalk will be constructed with a varying amount of green space. The total estimated cost of the project including engineering, site improvements and construction is $60,500.00. Effective Date: 9/01/06.
MCEO NO. 258-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - U.S. Route 29 Sidewalk - CIP No. 509997. The option contract between Bianca Moreno and Donald Brooke and Montgomery County Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of easements for the U.S. Route 29 Sidewalk project is accepted. The County Attorney is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easement. Effective Date: 9/08/06.
MCEO NO. 259-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Reginald L. Hoffman, Jr. and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting easement for Travilah Road, is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easement. Effective Date: 9/08/06
MCEO NO. 260-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order-Germantown. RESCIND all parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders 177-92, 88-96, and 64-06, on both sides of Lewisberry Drive from East Village Avenue to Snouffer School Road,. INSTALL No Parking Any Time on the north side of Lewisberry Drive from East Village Avenue to 75' west of Tindall Spring Road, from 75' east of Drexel Hill Circle to Snouffer School Road, on the south side of Lewisberry Drive from Snouffer School Road to 120' east of Laurel Valley Lane, from 395' east of Laurel Valley Lane to 140' east of Fountain Valley Drive, from 360' east of Fountain Valley Drive to East Village Avenue. Effective Date: 8/30/06.
MCEO NO. 261-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. INSTALL No Parking Any Time on the southwest side of Stravinsky Drive from the dead end northwest of Strauss Drive to Strauss Drive. Effective Date: 9/01/06.
MCEO NO. 262-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order- Germantown. REMOVE Speed Limit 25 on White's Ferry Road between Elgin Road and the Poolesville Town Limits; Speed Limit 30 on White's Ferry Road between the Poolesville Town Limits and a point 0.4 mile west of the Poolesville Town Limits; Speed Limit 40 on White's Ferry Road between a point 0.4 mile west of the Poolesville Town Limits and Trundle Road. INSTALL Speed Limit 25 on White's Ferry Road between Elgin Road and the Poolesville Town Limits; Speed Limit 30 on White's Ferry Road between the Poolesville Town Limits and a point 0.4 mile west of the Poolesville Town Limits; Speed Limit 40 on White's Ferry Road between a point 0.4 mile west of the Poolesville Town Limits and River Road. Effective Date: 9/01/06.
MCEO NO. 263-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. DPWT is directed to erect and/or remove the following traffic control devices establishing those streets or parts of street described in the schedule as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on these streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. REMOVE traffic control devices from Traffic Order 42-06, 9a, on Glasgow Drive from Aspen Hill Road to Parkland Drive. INSTALL same on Glasgow Drive from Aspen Hill Road to Grenoble Drive. Effective Date: 9/01/06.
MCEO NO. 264-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. INSTALL Stop for southbound traffic on Keating Court at Keating Street and for eastbound traffic on Mercury Drive at Larkin Place. Effective Date: 9/01/06.
MCEO NO. 265-06: FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment. This order is notification of the establishment of a fire lane at The Gallery at White Flint, 11710 Old Georgetown Road. The department is hereby ordered to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) in the location listed above. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. The fine for parking in a fire lane is $250.00. Effective Date: 9/13/06.
MCEO NO. 267-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. REMOVE No Parking Any Time around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac island at the terminus of Friendship Way south of Quince Valley Drive, Mosel Terrace east of Friendship Way, Mosel Terrace west of Friendship Way. INSTALL No Parking Any Time around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac island at the terminus of Fellowship Way south of Quince Valley Drive, Mosel Terrace east of Fellowship Way and Mosel Terrace west of Fellowship Way. Effective Date: 9/13/06.
MCEO NO. 268-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Old Columbia Pike Sidewalk - CIP No. 509953. The option contract between George A. Brown II and Karen M. Brown and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the granting of an easement for the Old Columbia Pike Sidewalk, is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easement. Effective Date: 9/18/06.
MCEO NO. 270-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Abandonment of Portion of Bonifant Street, Silver Spring. A public hearing will be held at 10:30 AM on Thursday, November 16, 2006, in the Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, 10th Floor Conference Room, Rockville, Maryland, 20850, to consider an application received from the Department of Public Works and Transportation, seeking abandonment of a portion of Bonifant Street west of Ramsey Avenue in Silver Spring. After the hearing, the Hearing Officer will report his findings and recommendations to the County Executive for further consideration as prescribed by County Code. Effective Date: 9/18/06.
MCEO NO. 271-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Fairland Road Improvement - CIP No. 500402. The option contract between Abyssinia Baptist Church, c/o Spencer Jackson and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of easement for Fairland Road Improvement, is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easement. Effective Date: 9/22/06.
MCEO NO. 272-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. REMOVE No Parking Any Time on the south side of Old Georgetown Road from Rockville Pike to 322' east of Rockville Pike, from 318' west of Nebel Street to 184' west of Nebel Street, from 124' west of Nebel Street to Nebel Street; Metered Parking on the south side of Old Georgetown Road from 322' east of Rockville Pike to 318' west of Nebel Street, from 184' west of Nebel Street to 124' west of Nebel Street. INSTALL No Parking Any Time on the south side of Old Georgetown Road from Rockville Pike to 322' east of Rockville Pike, from 318' west of Nebel Street to Nebel Street; Metered Parking on the south side of Old Georgetown Road from 322' east of Rockville Pike to 318' west of Nebel Street. Effective Date: 9/16/06.
MCEO NO. 273-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. REMOVE No Parking Any Time on the west side of Nebel Street from 50' north of Old Georgetown Road to 100' south of Old Georgetown Road; Metered Parking on the west side of Nebel Street from 100' south of Old Georgetown Road to 521' south of Old Georgetown Road. INSTALL No Parking Any Time on the west side of Nebel Street from 50' north of Old Georgetown Road to 410' south of Old Georgetown Road; Metered Parking on the west side of Nebel Street from 410' south of Old Georgetown Road to 521' south of Old Georgetown Road. Effective Date: 9/16/06.
MCEO NO. 274-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. REMOVE No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Burdette Forest Road from 60' north of the student drop-off/parking lot driveway for Little Bennett Elementary School to 20' south of the marked crosswalk; No Stopping School Days 8 AM - 4 PM on the west side of Burdette Forest Road from 20' south of the marked crosswalk to 60' north of the bus loop exit driveway for Little Bennett Elementary School. INSTALL No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Burdette Forest Road from 60' north of the student drop-off/parking lot driveway for Little Bennett Elementary School to 25' south of the extended southern curb line for Sugarloaf Chapel Drive. INSTALL No Stopping School Days 8 AM - 4 PM on the west side of Burdette Forest Road from 25' south of the extended southern curb line for Sugarloaf Chapel Drive to 60' north of the bus loop exit driveway for Little Bennett Elementary School. Effective Date: 9/15/06.
MCEO NO. 275-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. INSTALL Speed Limit 30 for eastbound and westbound traffic on Query Mill Road between Glen Road and Esworthy Road. Effective Date: 9/20/06.
MCEO NO. 276-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. REMOVE 2 Hour Parking 9 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday on the west side of North Brook Lane from Keystone Avenue to a point 165' north of Old Georgetown Road; No Parking Any Time on the west side of North Brook Lane from a point 165' north of Old Georgetown Road to Old Georgetown Road. INSTALL 2 Hour Parking 9 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday on the west side of North Brook Lane from Keystone Avenue to 95' north of Old Georgetown Road; No Parking Any Time on the west side of North Brook Lane from 95' north of Old Georgetown Road to Old Georgetown Road. Effective Date: 9/14/06.
MCEO NO. 277-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. INSTALL No Parking Any Time on the north side of Clover Patch Drive from Cherry Hill Road to Sweet Clover Drive. Effective Date: 9/18/06.
MCEO NO. 278-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. INSTALL Stop on southbound Manor Crest Lane at West Old Baltimore Road. Effective Date: 9/20/06.
MCEO NO. 279-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. INSTALL No Parking Any Time on the east side of Oak Leaf Drive from 60' south of the driveway entrance for 11215 Oak Leaf Drive to the driveway entrance for 11215 Oak Leaf Drive. Effective Date: 9/22/06.
MCEO NO. 280-06: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL - Amendment to FY 06 Working Capital Requirement. State law provides for the Director of the Department of Liquor Control, with the approval of the County Executive, to determine the amount of working capital required by the Department, and to retain from the Department's net profits the funds necessary to service DLC related debt and provide adequate working capital for the operation of the DLC. Because of this State law, both the County Attorney and the Attorney General have advised that the determination of the amount of funds required for these purposes is within the exclusive province of the County Executive, and is not subject to the County budget process. This request for transfer is to move money from FY 06 Operating Expense to Personnel Expense and Capital Outlay. Therefore, the total Working Capital is now $30,934,000. Effective Date: 9/29/06.
MCEO NO. 281-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. REMOVE 3 Hour Parking Except by Permit Edgemoor on the south side of Elm Street from Exeter Road to Denton Road. INSTALL Permit Parking Only Edgemoor on the south side of Elm Street from Exeter Road to Denton Road. Effective Date: 9/25/06.
MCEO NO. 282-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. REMOVE Stop on Town Commons Drive for southeast bound traffic at Century Boulevard. INSTALL All-Way Stop at the intersection of Century Boulevard and Town Commons Drive. Effective Date: 9/26/06.
MCEO NO. 283-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. REMOVE No Parking 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday thru Friday on the west side of Fairview Drive from Highland Drive to a point 190' north of Spring Street; No Parking Any Time on the west side of Fairview Road from a point 190' north of Spring Street to Spring Street. INSTALL No Parking 8 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday on the west side of Fairview Drive from Highland Drive to Noyes Drive, from 60' south of Noyes Drive to 350' south of Noyes Drive; No Parking 8 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday on the west side of Fairview Drive from 60' south of Noyes Drive to 350' south of Noyes Drive; No Parking Any Time on the west side of Fairview Drive from Noyes Drive to 60' south of Noyes Drive, from 350' south of Noyes Drive to Spring Street. Effective Date: 9/27/06.
MCEO NO. 284-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Shady Grove Metro Access Bike Path CIP No. 500600. The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a certain public way located in Derwood, Maryland, and the Director of the Department of Public Works and Transportation is authorized to proceed with the construction of a new bike path from Shady Grove Road to Redland Road along the east side of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Metro Access Road for 4,700'; a new bikeway ramp from Metro Access Road to exiting bikeway at Crabbs Branch Way for 500'; a safe at-grade pedestrian/bikeway crossing on the WMATA Metro Access Road; a Metro access bikeway connection to provide access from the new bike path to the WMATA Shady Grove Metro Station. The bike path will be built under a WMATA standard Real Estate Permit. A public hearing was held at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, August 22, 2006, in the EOB Lobby Auditorium, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland, to consider this project. No cost will be associated with the right-of-way acquisition. The total estimated cost of the project and estimated funding allocations are as follows: Enhancement funds - $1,357,000.00; Montgomery County - $1,357,000.00. Total estimated cost of the project including engineering, site improvements and construction is $2,714,000.00. Effective Date: 10/10/06.
MCEO NO. 285-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Greencastle Road Improvement - CIP No. 500100. The option contract between Aspen Forest Condominium, c/o Larry Simmons, and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the granting of an easement for the Greencastle Road Improvement, is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easement. Effective Date: 10/02/06.
MCEO NO. 287-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. REMOVE No Left Turn 6:00 AM - 8:30 AM Monday - Friday on eastbound MacArthur Boulevard at Walhonding Road, INSTALL No Left Turn 6: AM - 8:30 AM Monday - Friday Except School Buses on eastbound MacArthur Boulevard at Walhonding Road. Effective Date: 10/03/06.
MCEO NO. 289-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATON - Travilah Road Improvements CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Arthur Yao and Marie Cintron for the purchase of the rights of way for Travilah Road Improvements, is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the property. Effective Date: 10/16/06.