Executive Orders |
MCEO NO. 360-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. INSTALL No Parking Any Time on the east side of Hidden Garden Lane from 120 ' south of Olney Sandy Spring Road to Olney Sandy Spring Road and No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Hidden Garden Lane from 256' south of Olney Sandy Spring Road to 286' south of Olney Sandy Spring Road. Effective Date: 12/11/06.
MCEO NO. 361-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. REMOVE No Stopping School Days 7:30 AM - 4 PM on the west side of Bromfield Road from 45' south of the marked crosswalk at the southern most driveway for Matsunaga Elementary School to 135' south of the marked crosswalk at the southern most driveway for Matsunaga Elementary School and No Stopping School Days 7:30 AM - 4 PM on the east side of Bromfield Road from 165' south of the south curb line of the southern most driveway for Matsunaga Elementary School to the southern property line of Matsunaga Elementary School. INSTALL No Stopping School Days 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 3 PM - 4 PM on the west side of Bromfield Road from 45' south of the marked crosswalk at the southern most driveway for Matsunaga Elementary School to 135' south of the marked crosswalk at the southern most driveway for Matsunaga Elementary School and on the west side of Bromfield Road from 165' south of the south curb line of the southern most driveway for Matsunaga Elementary School to the southern property line of Matsunaga Elementary School. Effective Date: 12/13/06.
MCEO NO. 362-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. DPWT is directed to erect and/or remove the following traffic control devices establishing those streets or parts of street described in the schedule as thru streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on these streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. REMOVE traffic control devices on Greentree Rd. from Old Georgetown Rd. to Fernwood Rd and from Fernwood Rd. to Longwood Dr. INSTALL traffic control devices from Old Georgetown Rd. to Fernwood Rd. and from Fernwood Rd. to Longwood Dr. Effective Date: 12/13/06.
MCEO NO. 363-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. REMOVE Stop on Ewing Dr. at Greentree Rd. so as to stop northbound traffic on Ewing Dr.; on Ewing Drive at Johnson Ave. so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Ewing Dr. and on Ewing Dr. at Wilmett Rd. so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Ewing Dr.; No Parking Any Time on both sides of Ewing Dr. from Greentree Rd. northwards for a distance of 50'; on the north side of Johnson Ave. from Old Georgetown Rd. to a point 80' west; Four-Way Stop on Johnson Ave. and Lindale Dr. and at Johnson Ave. and Ewing Dr.; No Parking School Days 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM on both sides of Johnson Ave. between Ewing Dr. and the road end at St. Andrews Episcopal School. INSTALL Stop for northbound and southbound traffic on Ewing Dr. and Johnson Ave.; Four-Way Stop at the intersection of Johnson Ave. and Lindale Dr. and at the intersection of Ewing Dr. and Johnson Ave.; No Parking Any Time on both sides of Ewing Dr. from Johnson Ave. to 60' north of Johnson Ave; on the west side of Ewing Dr. from Johnson Ave. to 45' south of Johnson Ave.; on the north side of Johnson Ave. from Old Georgetown Rd. to 80' west of Old Georgetown Rd.; on both sides of Ewing Dr. from Greentree Rd. to 50' north of Greentree Rd and on the south side of Johnson Ave. from Ewing Dr. to 50' east of Ewing Dr.; No Parking School Days 7:30 AM - 4 PM on both sides of Johnson Ave. from Ewing Dr. to the road end at North Bethesda Middle School driveway. Effective Date: 12/13/07.
MCEO NO. 364-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. REMOVE No Stopping Any Time on both sides of Goodhill Rd. from Weller Rd. to 50' north of Weller Rd. and from 50' south of Dean Rd. to 50' north of Dean Rd.. INSTALL No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Goodhill Rd. from 50' north of Dean Rd. to 50' south of Dean Rd.; from 50' north of Weller Rd. to Weller Rd.; on the east side of Goodhill Rd. from Weller Rd. to 100' north of Weller Rd.; on the east side of Goodhill Rd. from 25' south of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School parking lot driveway to 25' north of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School parking lot driveway; from 25' south of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School bus loop entrance driveway to 20' north of the marked crosswalk at Janet Rd.; from 25' south of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School bus loop exit driveway to 25' north of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School bus loop exit driveway; from the extended south curb line of Kayson St. to the extended north curb line of Kayson St.; from 100' south of Dean Rd. to 50' north of Dean Rd.; No Stopping School Days 7:30 AM - 4 PM on the east side of Goodhill Rd. from 50' north of Weller Rd. to Kayson St.; from 100' north of Weller Rd. to 25' south of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School parking lot driveway; from 25' north of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School parking lot driveway to 25' south of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School bus loop entrance driveway; from 20' north of the marked crosswalk at Janet Rd. to 25' south of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School bus loop exit driveway and from 25' north of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School bus loop exit driveway to the extended south curb line of Kayson St. Effective Date: 12/13/06.
MCEO NO. 365-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Quince Orchard Road CIP No. 500502. The option contract between Edward F. Fones, Jr. and Virginia B. Fones and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the granting of easements for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easements. Effective Date: 12/15/06.
MCEO NO. 366-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Mitra Mokhtari and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easements. Effective Date: 12/15/06.
MCEO NO. 368-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Temple Beth Ami and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land. Effective Date: 12/14/06.
MCEO NO. 374-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. REMOVE No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Saul Rd. from 60' north of the southern most Kensington Parkwood Elementary School driveway to 70' south of Franklin St. INSTALL No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Saul Road from 60' north of the southern most Kensington Parkwood Elementary School driveway to 60' south of the southern most Kensington Parkwood Elementary School driveway and on the west side of Saul Rd. from 80' north of Franklin Street to 70' south of Franklin Street and No Stopping School Days 8 AM - 4 PM on the west side of Saul Rd. from 60' south of the southern most Kensington Parkwood Elementary School driveway to 80' north of Franklin St. Effective Date: 12/15/06.
MCEO NO. 375-06: DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY SERVICES/OFFICE OF CABLE AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES - Set Cable Television Rates Pursuant to FCC Form 1240. This is an order from the County Executive setting cable television rates for the basic service tier pursuant to FCC Form 1240 filed April 1, 2006. Effective Date: 1/11/07.
MCEO NO. 376-06: OFFICES OF THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE - Delegation of Signature Authority Transactions Affecting Real Property. Under the Charter of Montgomery County, the County Executive is charged with executing the Executive power vested in Montgomery County. The Executive has determined that there are adequate review processes in place to eliminate the requirement that the Executive execute each transaction, and the Executive may delegate the authority to execute these documents on behalf of the County to the Chief Administrative Officer. Timothy Firestine, as Chief Administrative Officer for Montgomery County, is hereby authorized and delegated authority to execute on behalf of Montgomery County any plat, deed, covenant, easement, lease, lien, license, release, or other document that affects an acquisition or disposition of any interest in real property. Effective Date: 1/2/07.
MCEO NO. 377-06: DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Designation of Nonprofit Organizations Eligible to Directly Purchase or Rent MPDU's. The County Executive periodically designates housing development agencies and nonprofit corporations which may directly purchase or lease Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MDPU's) from the builder under Section 25-A 8(b) of the Montgomery County Code, 2004. It has been determined that The Mental Health Association of Montgomery County, and its wholly owned subsidiary, Places for People, LLC, and Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless, and its wholly owned subsidiary, Coalition Homes, Inc., have demonstrated their ability to operate and maintain affordable housing and are eligible for participation in the MPDU program for the rental or purchase of MPDU's. Effective Date: 1/02/07.
MCEO NO. 378-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - New Hampshire Ave. at Oakview Drive - CIP No. 507017. The option contract between Stephen R. Schmidt and Zsuzsanna Gyorky and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the granting of an easement for New Hampshire Ave. at Oakview Drive Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easements. Effective Date: 12/22/06.
MCEO NO. 379-06 DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES - Street Acceptance. This certifies that the construction of the following named streets has been completed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Montgomery County Road Construction Code as specified in the permit. The materials used in the construction of these streets were tested and found to be in compliance with County specifications: Bear Creek Drive and Tapwood Road in Hoyles Mill Village; Hunt Farm Court, Lions Den Road, McBride Court and Briarcliff Manor Way in Briarcliff Manor North; Red Orchard Way in Kensington Preserve and Westminster Drive in Anscroft Preserve. Effective Date: 12/29/06.
MCEO NO. 380-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Sushanta Chakder and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easements. Effective Date: 12/28/06.
MCEO NO. 381-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Burnt Mills Hills Association. This executive order transfers the collection districts under procedures established by the County Council in the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, December 15, 2005, commonly known as the "10-Year Plan" and as amended by Resolution 14-494. On August 14, 2006, 27 homeowners in the Burnt Mills Hills Association area petitioned the Department of Public Works and Transportation in writing, requesting to be transferred from Subdistrict B to Subdistrict A, so that they could receive County contracted refuse collection service. DPWT has determined that the requirements of the "10-Year Plan" have been met and has verified that the petition contains 25 percent or more of the residences within the proposed transfer area. Notification was sent to homeowners in the proposed transfer area that households in Subdistrict A are charged an annual collection fee instead of contracting for private trash collection. It also described the current level of service, the annual fee for County provided refuse collection service, the boundaries of the proposed transfer area and the date and location of the public hearing on the transfer. Homeowners were also provided with a ballot that had to be submitted within 60 days after the notice was sent on October 3, 2006. The results of the voting were that 88.46% of the voters favored the transfer. Since that exceeds 50 percent of the number of residences in the area, DPWT recommended that the transfer be approved. Within 30 days of the County Executive's decision, DPWT mailed a notice of the decision to each homeowner in the transfer area. Effective Date: 1/04/07.
MCEO NO. 382-06: OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - CIP Cost Criterion for Special Capital Improvements Projects FY 08. Non-emergency County Government capital improvement projects estimated to cost at least four million dollars must be approved by a law enacted by the County Council, prior to receiving further appropriation, and the County Executive shall, by annual Executive Order, revise the four million dollar cost criterion for all major facilities to reflect the annual change in the latest published composite construction cost index established by the US Department of Commerce. Since the construction cost index (1966=100) was 46.1 for June of 1978 and 157.5 for June of 2006, the amount of the increase to be added to the original $4,000,000 is $9,666,000 bringing the total FY 2008 cost criterion to $13,666,000 for the budget for the Amended Fiscal Years07-12 Capital Improvements Program. Effective Date: 12/22/06.
MCEO NO. 383-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Quince Orchard Road - CIP No. 500502. The option contract between Susan Yazdi and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Quince Orchard Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easements. Effective Date: 12/29/06.
MCEO NO. 384-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Quince Orchard Road - CIP No. 500502. The option contract between Robert F. Moore, Jr. and Janet A. Moore and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the granting of an easement for the Quince Orchard Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easements. Effective Date: 12/28/06.
MCEO NO. 385-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - New Hampshire Ave. at Oakview Drive. The option contract between Concepcion D. Barillas and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the granting of an easement for the New Hampshire Ave. at Oakview Drive Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easements. Effective Date: 12/28/06.
MCEO NO. 386-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Quince Orchard Road - CIP No. 500502. The option contract between Karen Margaret Lawless and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land for the Quince Orchard Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land. Effective Date: 12/29/06.
MCEO NO. 387-06: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No.500101. The option contract between James Allan Taylor and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easements. Effective Date: 12/29/06.
MCEO NO. 1-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. REMOVE No Parking Any Time on both sides of Prosperity Dr. from Tech Rd. to 50' northeast of the entrance/exit driveway for 12401 Prosperity Dr.; from 530' northeast of the entrance/exit for 12401 Prosperity Dr. to Cherry Hill Rd. and from Tech Rd. to 50' northeast of the entrance/exit for 12401 Prospective Dr. to 530' northeast of the entrance/exit for 12401 Prosperity Dr. INSTALL No Parking Any Time on both sides of Prosperity Dr. between Cherry Hill Rd. and Tech Rd. Effective Date: 12/28/06.
MCEO NO. 2-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. INSTALL Stop on westbound Hollyhock Dr. at Hollyhock Way. Effective Date: 12/28/06.
MCEO NO. 3-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION -Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. INSTALL No Left Turn on eastbound Industrial Parkway at Old Columbia Pike. Effective Date: 12/21/06.
MCEO NO. 4-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. DPWT is directed to erect and/or remove the following traffic control devices establishing those streets or parts of street described in the schedule as thru streets, granting right-of-way to traffic on named streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove traffic control devices on Oak Leaf Drive from Columbia Pike to Prelude Dr. and on Prelude Dr. from Columbia Pike to and thru Oak Leaf Dr. INSTALL traffic control devices on Oak Leaf Dr. from Columbia Pike to Prelude Dr. and on Prelude Dr. from Columbia Pike to and thru Oak Leaf Dr. Effective Date: 12/28/06.
MCEO NO. 5-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. REMOVE No Parking Any Time on both sides of Prelude Dr. from Columbia Pike to a point 125' west of Legato Way; Stop on Prelude Ct. so as to require northwest bound traffic to stop at Prelude Dr.; One-Way so as to require all traffic to flow in a west bound direction on the Oak Leaf Dr. protrusion for house numbers 11411 through 11437 from Oak Leaf Dr., east of Classical Ln. to Oak Leaf Dr. opposite Classical Ln. INSTALL School Zone on Prelude Dr. from Columbia Pike to Oak Leaf Dr.; Fines Double School Days 8 AM - 4 PM on Prelude Dr. from Columbia Dr. to Oak Leaf Dr.; No Stopping Any Time on the north side of Prelude Dr. from 80' east of Oak Leaf Dr. to 40' west of Oak Leaf Dr.; on the south side of Prelude Dr. from 20' west of the marked crosswalk at Oak Leaf Dr. to 120' east of Oak Leaf Dr. and on both sides of Oak Leaf Dr. from Prelude Dr. to 50' north of Prelude Dr.; No Parking Any Time on the north side of Prelude Dr. from Columbia Pike to 125' west of Legato Way; on the south side of Prelude Dr. from 450' east of Oak Leaf Dr. to 520' east of Oak Leaf Dr.; on the south side of Prelude Dr. from 125' west of Legato Way to Columbia Pike; No U-Turn This Block for eastbound and westbound traffic on Prelude Dr. from Legato Way to Oak Leaf Dr.; Stop for northwest bound traffic on Prelude Ct. at Prelude Dr.; One-Way so as to require all traffic to flow in a westbound direction on the Oak Leaf Dr. protrusion for house numbers 11411through 11437 from Oak Leaf Dr., east of Classical Ln. to Oak Leaf Dr. opposite Classical Ln Effective Date: 12/28/06.
MCEO NO. 6-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. REMOVE Yield on northbound Greenbriar Rd. at Centurion Dr.; INSTALL Yield on northbound Greenbriar Rd. at Centurion Way. Effective Date: 1/03/07.
MCEO NO. 7-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. REMOVE No Stopping School Days 8 AM - 4 PM on the west side of Falls Chapel Way from 150' north of the northern driveway for Cold Spring Elementary School to 45' north of the northern driveway for Cold Spring Elementary School; No Stopping Any Time on the east side of Falls Chapel Way from 40' south of Willow Valley Dr. to 40' north of Willow Valley Dr. and on both sides of Willow Valley Dr. between Falls Chapel Way and a point 50' east of Falls Chapel Way; No Stopping School Days 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM on the east side of Falls Chapel Way from 40' north of Willow Valley Dr. to 220' north of Willow Valley Dr.; No U-Turn on Falls Chapel Way northbound and southbound between Willow Valley Dr. and Copenhaven Dr. INSTALL No Left Turn School Days 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Except Buses for northbound traffic on Falls Chapel Way at the northern driveway for Cold Spring Elementary School; No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Falls Chapel Way from 35' north of Orchard Brook Dr. to 35' south of Orchard Brook Dr.; on the east side of Falls Chapel Way from 40' south of Willow Valley Drive to 80' north of Willow Valley Dr.; on both sides of Willow Valley Dr. from Falls Chapel Way to 70' east of Falls Chapel Way and on both sides of Orchard Brook Dr. from Falls Chapel Way to 35' west of Falls Chapel Way; No Stopping School Days
MCEO NO. 8-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg. REMOVE No Stopping Any Time on the north side of Apple Ridge Rd. from Watkins Mill Rd. to and including the outer and inner perimeters in the County-maintained cul-de-sac west of Watkins Mill Rd.; INSTALL No Stopping Any Time on the north side of Apple Ridge Rd. from Watkins Mill Rd. to and including the outer perimeter of the entire cul-de-sac.; on the south side of Apple Ridge Rd. from the end of the cul-de-sac to 85' east of Burhstone Dr.; around the perimeter of the traffic island on Apple Ridge Rd. west of Watkins Mill Rd; No Parking Any Time on the south side of Apple Ridge Rd. from 100' west of Wheelwright Dr. to Watkins Mill Rd. Effective Date: 12/29/06.
MCEO NO. 9-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Adrian and Mauricio Guerra and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 1/05/07.
MCEO NO. 10-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Soraya Jafari and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 1/05/07.
MCEO NO. 11-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Adrian Guerra and Dora Chinchilla and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 1/05/07.
MCEO NO. 12-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between George G. and Nancy L. Cleveland and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of easements for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easements. Effective Date: 1/05/07.
MCEO NO. 13-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Eugene and Ruth Runion and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 1/05/07
MCEO NO. 14-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ANDTRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Diane M. Haslam and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 1/05/07.
MCEO NO. 15-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Chu Chin and Mei Shun Ku and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easement. Effective Date: 1/05/07.
MCEO NO. 16-07: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Travilah Road Improvements - CIP No. 500101. The option contract between Craig F. and Janice S. Bauroth and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Travilah Road Improvements is hereby accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 1/5/07.